The Ibex 35 opened this Thursday’s session with increases and was looking at 10,900 points, boosted by Banco Sabadell triggered by the exchange offer proposed by BBVA for a merger.

Specifically, the selective index conquered 10,896 points at its beginning, with an increase of 0.38%, which thus left behind, after the festive day this Wednesday for Labor Day, the losses suffered on Tuesday (-2, 2%), in its worst session in 14 months.

Banco Sabadell notably led the gains on the Ibex 35, with an increase that was 8% in the first moments and that stood at 6.65% minutes later, up to 1.915 euros per share. For its part, BBVA’s losses were almost 2%, up to 9.99 euros.

This Wednesday, BBVA announced that to articulate the merger operation it offered Banco Sabadell a share exchange with a 30% premium over the price of the entity chaired by Josep Oliu at the close of Monday, before the interest was known. Compared to Tuesday, when Sabadell rose 3.4% on the stock market, the premium would be 17%.

Along with Banco Sabadell, the increases in Aena stood out, which rose 4%; as well as Solaria, with a rebound of 3.3%; Unicaja Banco (3.1%; and Grifols (3%).

Regarding the losses of the Spanish selective, those of Rovi stood out, which lost 2.1%, followed by Repsol, losing 2%, as well as BBVA.

The market was also marked in this session by the Fed’s message this Wednesday, which left rates at 5.5% and warned that there will be a delay in the cuts schedule, so the price of money will remain unchanged. at maximums longer than expected, because inflation remains higher.

At the opening, a barrel of Brent was trading higher, up to $84, while West Texas Intermediate (WTI) stood at $79.5.

For its part, the yield on the 10-year Spanish bond was at 3.348% at the opening, while the euro rose slightly, to $1.71.