Two individuals, a Frenchman and a Libyan, have been arrested this morning when they were about to attempt an attack on the Parisian railway station of Montparnasse, according to sources close to the incident to the newspaper ‘Le Figaro’.

Both individuals were arrested around 07:45 this morning, after breaking into the station in possession of nine gas cylinders shouting “we are going to blow everything up”, according to these sources.

The two suspects, identified respectively as “Éric”, a 51-year-old Frenchman, and “Abdelwahed”, a 29-year-old Libyan, are already in police custody accused of “advocating for terrorism”.

The Police discovered in one of the bags that they carried the nine cylinders, all full of gas but ultimately “harmless” because “it was clear that neither of them had a clue how to blow them up.”

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, has nevertheless asked the Paris Police Prefect, Laurent Nuñez, to give an order to immediately reinforce the security of all the stations in the French capital.