The French National Assembly has rejected this Friday the last motion of censure presented by the left-wing coalition New Popular Ecologist and Social Union (NUPES) against the Government, which has only obtained 87 votes of the 288 necessary for it to prosper, which has led to the final approval of the Social Security budget.

The control mechanism for the Executive was presented by the parliamentary group after the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, activated this Wednesday for the seventh consecutive time this fall article 49.3 of the Constitution that allows a law to be approved without the support of the Chamber.

The Prime Minister has criticized in the chamber that the succession of motions of no confidence has “considerably reduced the useful time for debate” for this budget. “Six motions of censure, more than in three years towards Michel Rocard”, she has reproached her, according to ‘Le Figaro’.

This budget has been approved on the eve of the end of the 50-day review period granted by the constitutional text and includes health prevention measures and the rise in the price of tobacco.

The Senate had rejected the Social Security financing bill for 2023 on Tuesday, which motivated the prime minister to resort to this tool again. Shortly after the leader of the France Insoumise (LFI), Mathilde Panot, announced the motion of no confidence voted this Friday, just two days after another initiated by the same formation failed.

The main opposition groups, La Francia Insumisa, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and Agrupación Nacional, led by Marine Le Pen, have been the promoters of various motions of censure in recent weeks that, for the moment, have not obtained the necessary votes to be approved.