The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) have reported that at least 50 civilians died last Tuesday at the hands of the M23 in Rutshuru, in the east of the country, denouncing a violation of the ceasefire by the “Army Rwandan and his auxiliaries”.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has accused the Rwandan Defense Forces and the M23 of carrying out “massacres of innocent and defenseless civilians” in the town of Rutshuru, in North Kivu province, it has reported. it’s a statement.

In addition to the dead, other civilians are missing or kidnapped by “the horde of terrorists” from the M23 “with the blessing of the Rwandan Army”, a fact that the country’s Army has condemned.

Meanwhile, he has announced that during the day of this Thursday the M23 and the Rwandan Armed Forces have attacked their positions in Kalima, in the east of the country and near the border with Rwanda.

“The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo inform national and international opinion that (…) the Rwandan Army and its supporters of the M23 terrorists attacked, on Thursday, December 1, the positions of the FARDC of the Regiment of Infantry in Kalima”, wields the letter of the Army of the DRC.

“This offensive launched by the Rwandan Defense Forces is a clear demonstration of the bellicose intentions of the Kigali government, which is determined to sabotage the decisions of the heads of state of the subregion, as well as the initiatives of the African Union (AU). , the East African States and the international community for the return of peace and security in the eastern part of the DRC,” he added.

In this sense, the DRC has maintained that no withdrawal of the Rwandan forces and “terrorists” from the M23 has been observed, but rather that there has been a reinforcement of the troops.

“Faced with this situation, the FARDC is obliged to respond to all attacks and to do everything possible to protect the Congolese population from the barbarism of the Rwandan army that works under the label of M23 terrorists,” the DRC explained, stressing his willingness to “respect the resolutions” reached by both parties.

Within the framework of a summit in the Angolan capital, Luanda, to advance the normalization of diplomatic relations, the DRC and Rwanda agreed to a ceasefire last Friday, as well as a withdrawal of M23 from the recently conquered areas in the province. .

The new round of talks in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, which started on Monday, comes after the rebel group said it accepted in principle the agreement for a cessation of hostilities in the North Kivu province, although it warned that reserves any right to respond to any attack.