The president of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to use his vacation time during the traditional holidays of ‘Thanksgiving’ and Christmas to evaluate his possible candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections, all after the legislative elections and after the request of some members of his party to leave space for a new generation.

Biden, who has just turned 80, has until early 2023 to present or not his candidacy for the Democratic Party primaries in order to run for President of the United States again.

So far, the US president has reiterated on countless occasions his intention to run the White House until 2028, although he has not made his candidacy official so far.

In statements one day after the ‘midterms’, and after verifying that the “red wave” predicted by the Republican Party in the legislative elections was not such, Biden announced that he should weigh the decision with his family, stating that it is “a great respectful of fate.”

“I hope that Jill (the first lady) and I have a little time to sneak away for a week, between Christmas and Thanksgiving,” the president explained during a conference, maintaining that it would be then when he would discuss with his family his options to present himself. again as president.

“I think they want me to introduce myself, but they’re going…we’re going to have discussions about it. And I don’t feel any rush in that regard,” Biden said about what his family would say.

However, there are voices within the Democratic Party calling for a facelift, especially since the leader would be 81 years old at the start of a second term.

Other historical leaders of the Democratic Party, such as the until now president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (82 years old), or Congressman Steny Hoyerm (83 years old), have already announced that they will run for their respective posts again, clearing the way for younger democrats.

The debate has also moved to street level. For 62 percent of Americans, Biden is “too old to be president,” according to the Harvard-Harris poll published this month, which adds the age factor to the list of cons of a president who has lost popularity since last summer. .

However, there are also times when they defend Biden’s candidacy against a possible campaign of former President Donald Trump, who presented his candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections in mid-November.

Speaking to ‘The Hill’, New York University presidential historian Timothy Naftali has argued that part of the reason Biden might want to run for a second term is to face Trump again, especially after having cushioned Republicans better than other Democratic presidents.

“Does the country still need him to prevent another Trump Presidency? I think that’s why Joe Biden ran, to stop Trump, and I suspect if you ask (President Biden), besides Russian President Vladimir]Putin, which ones are the great concerns that he has for our republic, it will be the return of Donald Trump,” he said.