Russia’s representative to the United Nations, Vasili Nebenzia, stated on Wednesday before the UN Security Council that the Russian attacks on infrastructure facilities in Ukraine is a reaction to the supply of weapons that Western countries are carrying out to kyiv.

“We are attacking infrastructure facilities in Ukraine in response to the bombardment of this country with Western weapons and kyiv’s reckless calls for a military victory over Russia,” said the Russian representative to the UN.

“Western countries are trying to establish their geopolitical hegemony for power and the lives of Ukrainians,” he criticized.

In addition, the Russian diplomat has qualified that Russia will continue with the actions to limit the Ukrainian military potential until kyiv adopts a “realistic negotiating position”.

“For now, what we hear from (Ukrainian President Volodimir) Zelensky and his associates is by no means a provision for peace, but only the language of reckless threats and ultimatums,” he said, before adding that Ukraine encourages ” an irresponsible line.”

In this sense, Nebenzia has maintained that “the damage to residential buildings and civilian casualties are due to the failure of the Ukrainian air defense”, for not having located the defensive equipment on the outskirts of the cities, “but in their very center “.

“As a result, fragments of missiles or Ukrainian missiles that have strayed hit objects that Russia did not even aim at,” he assured, as reported by the Russian news agency Interfax.

In turn, Nebenzia has urged the international community to assess the allegations of torture of Russian prisoners of war by the Ukrainian military.

“Evidence of Ukraine’s use of torture and torture in violation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions is increasingly being documented,” it said.

Thus, it has asked both the international community and international Human Rights organizations to take a position on violations of International Humanitarian Law by Ukraine, the TASS agency reports.