Navarro summons the Executive to ask for “apologies” and stop “the string of bad laws”


The Popular Party has defended this Friday “stopping the next nonsense” of the coalition government of PSOE and United We Can with the so-called ‘Trans Law’, after the “dramatic error” that has led to the entry into force of the Law on Sexual Freedom, known as the ‘only yes is yes’ law.

This has been pronounced by the deputy secretary for Social Policies of the PP, Carmen Navarro, who has indicated that the Executive of Pedro Sánchez must “apologize” for what is happening with the law of ‘only yes is yes’ and “stop the string of bad laws”.

This Friday is the deadline set by Irene Montero for the Trans Law to be approved this year in Congress. The Ministry of Equality has recognized on many occasions its intention that the Trans Law be approved before the end of 2022.

For this, the head of the branch, Irene Montero, requested the urgent processing of the same in Congress -which reduces the usual deadlines in this process- and called the PSOE, which presides over the Equality Commission where the norm, to close the process of presentation of the same this November 18.

Given the statements by Minister Félix Bolaños accusing the PP of having “never” done anything for women and accusing Alberto Núñez Feijóo of aggravating the problems, Navarro responded by stressing that the Government has made a “dramatic mistake”.

“Your terrible law of yes is yes is going to harm and leave too many women unprotected. Acknowledge it, apologize and stop the string of bad laws,” Navarro said in a message on his official Twitter account, which concluded like this: ” Let’s stop the next nonsense: his Trans Law!”.

This Thursday, the president of the PP asked Sánchez to define the responsibilities in the Government in the face of the “dramatic” consequences of his “populist” law of “yes is yes”: either the head of Equality, or the Justice or who presides over the Council of Ministers.

“President Sánchez has to decide if the ultimate responsibility for this lack of protection of Spanish girls, adolescents and women lies with the Minister of Equality or the Minister of Justice, or both at the same time or directly assume all the responsibility responsibility, since it has been the Council of Ministers that has adopted and approved this bill”, he emphasized in Lisbon, where he participated in the Political Assembly of the European People’s Party (EPP).