The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, has warned the promoters of the Santa Cruz strike this Sunday that he will take to the streets to defend what was his victory at the polls, after the protesters increased tension in the country’s capital through the destruction of a police station this weekend.

Arce has assured, in response to the violent incidents, that his government and social organizations are “more united than ever”, reports the Bolivian news agency, ABI.

“The right wing wants to win with these movements what it cannot win at the polls,” lamented the country’s leader, who described the initiatives as “inadmissible” for having the objective of “dividing the country.”

“It is inadmissible that they now try to raise their heads when they do not have popular support, when they have shown that the Bolivian people have suffered misrule from the right for nearly a year.

The Bolivian president has made direct reference to the coup that occurred in November 2019, by which Jeanine Añez took power in the country.

“The Bolivian people in October 2020 said ‘enough’ and the majority voted at the polls for a government of the people and for the people,” he explained, after the vice president, David Choquehuanca, affirmed that the election of Arce cost “a lot sacrifice, crying and pain to the Bolivian people”, collects ‘Correo del Sur’.

The Executive of the Latin American country announced last week that it would take criminal action against those responsible for the protests in Santa Cruz, after announcing that the balance of victims is four dead and 178 injured in 20 days.

The Minister of the Presidency, María Nela Prada, criticized the days of “terror” that characterize the strike in Santa Cruz, affirming that the leaders of the protests have “blood-stained hands.”

The so-called “civic movement” of Bolivia – promoted by the opposition in the Bolivian region of Santa Cruz – began an indefinite national strike 23 days ago to demand the holding of the Census in 2023, instead of 2024 as the Bolivian Government has proposed. , since this registration determines the distribution of aid between the regions of the country.

The protests are concentrating in the city of Santa Cruz, where the opposition to Luis Arce has greater weight and is the economic engine of the country, where one person has lost his life during the mobilizations.