The exit polls of the Slovak legislative elections held this Saturday give the candidate of Progressive Slovakia, Michal Simecka, with 23.5 percent of votes, ahead of Smer (Direction), of Robert Fico, who would obtain 19 percent of votes, according to the Median study.

Behind them are Hlas (Voice), with 11 percent of votes, and Gente Corriente y Personalidades Independientes (OLaNO), with 10 percent of support. In fifth place is Freedom and Solidarity (SaS, 6 percent), followed by the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH, 6 percent), the far-right Republic (6 percent), the People’s Party of Our Slovakia (SNS, 5 percent) and We are Family (SR, 3 percent).

The rise of Simecka’s party stands out, growing 15 points compared to the last elections, while Fico’s party only grew one point. Both Hlas and República are new formations, while OLaNO drops 15 points.

The Focus study predicts very similar results, although the distance between the first two parties is much smaller: 24 percent for Progressive Slovakia and 22 percent for Smer.

The rest of the parties achieve similar results: Hlas (12 percent), OLaNO (8 percent), SaS (6 percent), República (6 percent), KDH (6 percent), SNS (4 percent), Alianza (4 percent) and SR (2 percent).

The last polling station closed at 10:45 p.m. after a day that passed without incident. A total of 4.3 million Slovaks were called to the polls, of which 53,300 could vote for the first time.