The PP has presented a bill in the Senate, where it has an absolute majority, with which it seeks to facilitate punishments for outrages against Spain and the Royal House by proposing to sanction them through administrative means and not only through criminal means.

It is one of the first initiatives that those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo have registered in the Senate, asserting their absolute majority. Although it is still unknown when it will be heard in plenary session, the wide advantage that the PP has in the Upper House will allow it to be processed and referred to Congress to decide.

Specifically, this proposal, to which Europa Press has had access, proposes protecting by law the defense and protection of official symbols such as flags, shields, anthems or banners, both of Spain and the Crown, as well as of the Autonomous Communities and Cities. and local entities throughout the national territory.

To this end, the law includes as very serious infractions outrage, the display of partisan symbols or the display of official symbols outside its territorial scope, with the exception of occasional placements for cordiality, among other things.

Likewise, inaction or permissiveness of any of the previous infractions or failure to restore the symbols are considered serious. Carelessness or negligence is considered a minor infraction.

The offense of insulting Spain is currently included only in the Penal Code and is punishable by a fine of seven to twelve months, something that the ‘popular’ seek to extend to the administrative route to “fill the existing regulatory void”, as stated in His writing.

That is, those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo propose that city councils have the possibility of imposing sanctions if it is their responsibility, something that could also be carried out by the Council of Ministers or the Minister of Territorial Policy when it corresponds to them.

The sanctions proposed in the law range from a reprimand for minor infractions to publication of the infraction in the official gazette and non-receipt of compensation for dismissal from office for serious ones. The sanctions for the most serious offenses also include the impossibility of holding public office for a period of four years.