Madrid this recognition in the 30th edition of the World Travel Awards, the most prestigious international awards in the tourism industry


Madrid has just received, for the sixth consecutive year, the award for best European meeting tourism destination (Europe’s Leading Meetings

An award that demonstrates the confidence of professionals in the tourism sector in Madrid, which once again has surpassed cities such as Copenhagen, Paris, Vienna, Barcelona, ??Amsterdam or Berlin. Furthermore, it confirms that the excellent reputation obtained by the capital in this tourism segment lasts over time, despite the challenges that the entire tourism industry has had to face, receiving this award year after year since 2018.

Madrid will now also be able to revalidate its title as the best meeting tourism destination in the world, which it has held for four years, at the grand final gala of the World Travel Awards that will take place in the coming months. In it, the capital will compete against the winning destinations from the rest of the regional competitions for the awards: the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Indian Ocean, and North America and the Caribbean.

The City Council has highlighted the work of the Madrid Convention Bureau (MCB), as well as the public and private agents that are part of the Madrid meetings industry, since “they make available to organizers a unique offer and excellent services with the highest standards of quality and professionalism, favoring the progress of this very important segment for tourism in Madrid, which last year left a direct impact of 1,715 million euros in the capital.”

Madrid Convention Bureau, they continue, plays a “fundamental” role in this sense, encouraging this essential public-private collaboration and representing more than 220 Madrid companies from all business sectors dependent on meeting tourism. Its objective is to cultivate Madrid’s international leadership in this area.

The municipal body, dependent on the Delegated Area of ??Tourism, is finalizing its promotion plan for 2024, in which its associates will once again have a great role and visibility. A strategy that aims to disseminate the Madrid destination in a coordinated manner in its main meeting tourism markets, such as the United States and Europe.

Participation in fairs and other professional meetings is planned, in addition to carrying out actions at the destination, such as familiarization trips or support for professional fairs. “All of these initiatives will have as their main axes sustainability and the legacy in Madrid to continue keeping Madrid’s meeting tourism on the front line,” concludes the City Council in the press release.