The PP of Madrid focuses on the call, with more than 100 information tables and distribution of brochures for a “massive” response


The national leadership of the PP will give space to the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez Almeida, at the event against the amnesty that is being held this Sunday. Both will have a “greeting” before the thousands of attendees who will gather in the Plaza de Felipe II, according to sources from the PP leadership, who admit that the leading role will be for Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Thus, sources from his team have recalled that this act to denounce the negotiations that Pedro Sánchez is carrying out with the independentists takes place within the “framework of the investiture debate” to which Feijóo will appear two days later in the Plenary Session of Congress.

Until now, the national PP had announced that Feijóo’s intervention, who will present the axes of his investiture speech, would be joined by those of the former presidents of the Government José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy.

However, this Thursday Feijóo’s team has indicated that there will also be “a greeting” from both Ayuso and the mayor of Madrid. Ayuso, as president of the Madrid PP, acts as host at this event, which the other territorial ‘barons’ will also attend.

The PP of Madrid has dedicated itself to the organization of this day of protest – which will take place in the heart of the Salamanca neighborhood, next to the Wizink Center – but had remained silent these days about the interveners, alleging that it is a ‘Genoa’ decision. .

“Whatever they decide will be well decided. I don’t know who intervenes in the event, what I know is that it is an event in which we invite all citizens to come there to express their rejection of President Sánchez’s agreement with the coup plotters.” The PP spokesperson in the Madrid Assembly, Carlos Díaz-Pache, declared this Thursday.

Feijóo’s team insists that Sunday’s focus will be on Feijóo. “It is not a conventional act of the PP, it is not just another party act,” sources from the PP leadership have justified to Europa Press, who have insisted that it must be framed in the context of the investiture debate after it has been “appointed candidate by the King.”

Feijóo himself admitted this Thursday that he will have to update the draft of his investiture speech after Sánchez’s words in New York because, as he said, he has spoken in a “quite direct” way about the possibility of an amnesty that, In his opinion, it is “an amendment to the entirety of Spanish democracy.” “And what we are seeing is that repeat electoral fraud has been committed, aggravated electoral fraud, which is lying about lies,” he highlighted.

For his part, Ayuso criticized today during the Plenary Session of the Assembly that Sánchez assumes that “he is going to swallow everything that the nationalists propose” and has criticized that they put “Spain on its knees in the face of independence corruption.” “I hope there is a massive response to so much ignominy in the streets of Madrid, Barcelona and all of Spain. Spain does not deserve this,” he concluded.

From the PP of Madrid they have dedicated themselves to the event and have put “all their resources” at the disposal of the national leadership. In fact, as sources from the Madrid PP have detailed to Europa Press, they have mobilized around 5,000 people and have worked to get all party headquarters involved in the event.

Thus, the district headquarters of Madrid have installed more than 100 information tables on the streets of the city where leaflets have been distributed. On them you can read the motto of the event — ‘Facing amnesty, equality’ — accompanied by a photograph with Feijóo, Ayuso and Almeida. In total 100,000 copies have been printed to distribute throughout the week.

In addition, each member is being called by phone to inform them about the appointment as well as seeking to give it visibility on social networks. In this sense, all the party accounts have updated their profiles with photographs of the event and members of the party are recording videos with the aim of mobilizing Madrid residents.

One of them has been the secretary general, Alfonso Serrano, who, walking through Plaza Felipe II, has maintained that right now there is “a credible and palpable threat” in Spain given that “there is a party, a government in office, that is willing to break the constitutional framework and the rule of law to remain in power.”

“If you care about Madrid, if you defend equality, if you want to protect everyone’s freedom but above all if you want us to continue writing the history of our country together, you have an appointment here in Madrid next Sunday,” claims the ‘number two’. of the Madrid PP.

In addition, the PP is chartering dozens of buses from all over Spain for a “massive mobilization” in this act against the amnesty, in which sources from Feijóo’s team recognize that the chosen site – the Plaza de Felipe II – “is leaving to stay small”.