He proposes putting together a project where Díaz’s formation is “just another party” and is critical of unilateral appointments of spokespersons


The federal coordinator of IU, Alberto Garzón, suggests that Sumar as a coalition must take steps to consolidate itself as a broad front and, to do so, proposes deploying “democratic mechanisms” such as primaries that it already defended, enhancing internal coordination in making major decisions and act as a “stable” federation to ensure that all parties “feel comfortable and represented.”

This is reflected in the draft of his political report, to which Europa Press has had access, which he will present this Friday at the Federal Training Coordinator, the highest executive body of IU, and where he is committed to two defined phases to articulate that space and in which Sumar, as a formation that is developing its own structures, is “just another party.”

For example, it defines a series of milestones to avoid making “mistakes” such as the deployment of a large meeting of social parties and organizations, “not postponing any further”, giving rise to citizen participation in the architecture of the project and launching a manifesto that mark the foundations of this confluence between 15 formations and open to more agents.

In this text, Garzón emphasizes that the project promoted by the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, generated a “stimulus” for the participation of people far from politics that gives “clues to the potential” as a new political subject, despite the “rush to prepare the lists without primaries” motivated by the electoral advance.

On the other hand, Garzón highlights the “confusion” implied by the “duality” that Sumar alludes to both the coalition and the formation of Díaz “at a time when everything is yet to be finalized,” to postulate that IU must “turn ” to promote a “plural” and “democratic” political space, once the electoral contest is over and the objective of “stopping the right” has been achieved.

At the same time, it recognizes that IU “critically” analyzes several of Sumar’s decisions, such as maintaining the spokespersons that were “appointed without dialogue” during the campaign and the appointments “unilaterally” in the deputy spokespersons in Congress, where the training was left out of that list of positions.

Therefore, it reiterates the defense of a rotating model between the different formations present in Sumar when it comes to holding these positions, a format that “adjusts to the plural reality” of the “composition” of the parliamentary group.

A critical vision that, Garzón specifies, serves to make “positive proposals” in order to “avoid errors of the past” and “improve the participation of parties and independent people. At this point, he claims that without “the experience and democratic legitimacy “of political organizations it is not possible to build a “solid project.”

Aware that the priority now is to achieve a coalition agreement that repeats a progressive Government, he highlights the configuration of this broad front that is “clearly leftist” and cannot be done “quickly and without debate.”

Consequently, it proposes a first phase dedicated to the consolidation of the new space and the organization of a broad meeting between political forces, which should begin once the Executive is achieved and the scenario that there will be no electoral repetition is “cleared.”

And for that objective, the IU leader advocates “immediately” constituting the coordinating commission reflected in the coalition agreement to “be able to correctly manage the political situation, the negotiation of the coalition government and other important decisions.”

It also explains that a forecast to address this first phase would cover November or December of this year and should end in June 2014, with an agreement on the calendar and regulations to hold this great meeting between organizations, the purpose of which is to approve a manifesto that includes the general principles of the broad front and participation in the coordinating commission, both of citizens and members of the different parties.

In turn, Garzón points out a second phase that must address the organizational model by defining the participation of registrants, parties and competencies of each of the bodies of the broad front. That is, a “constituent” process with concrete measures such as the deployment of primaries or the articulation of a table of organizations separate from the coordinating commission.

“The best formula for parties, social organizations and people to coexist is the federation of parties,” the document states. And it makes it clear that “except for the political party formula”, any other legal form can be valid to develop the Sumar space.

In another part of his political report, the federal coordinator of IU emphasizes that the new coalition government must have an “ambitious roadmap”, both to improve the lives of the popular classes and the “positions of the left.”

Therefore, he claims that this Executive must “fight the battle” in several strategic fields that allow “undermining the social bases of neoliberalism” with “deep democratic reforms” throughout the legislature.

Specifically, IU marks a series of proposals that aspire to be “protagonists” in that future Government, among which stand out a “guaranteed work plan” that will allow the creation of one million jobs, with priority for young people and the long-term unemployed, and which will require a public investment of 1% of GDP.

It also establishes another investment of 1% of GDP for the construction and rehabilitation of public housing, dedicating Sareb homes to social rentals for those under 35 years of age and freezing rental prices.

In addition, it demands a new local financing law that provides more resources to municipalities, deploy a new public energy company recovering hydroelectric concessions for the State and articulate a state system of public care, among others.

Meanwhile, the IU leader disdains the attempted investiture of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, as a “sainete” that only “simulates a leadership that is weak”, shows his “isolation” and “devalues” the designation as a candidate by part of King Felipe VI.

An “exhibition of helplessness” for Garzón that has a positive effect for the democratic and plurinational bloc, as it illustrates that “there is no alternative to a new progressive coalition government.”

He also admits that the “Catalan independence movement suffered a severe electoral setback, but it will be politically decisive” due to parliamentary arithmetic and emphasizes that the “amnesty can be a first step to definitively unravel the relationship between Catalonia and the rest of the State.” However, Garzón points out that progress in that direction will not be “sufficient” because plurinationality must have a “republican and clearly federal vision.”