Seville, September 19, 2023.

The exonerated woman lost her job due to COVID-19 and could not pay her debts

The Commercial Court No. 1 of Seville (Andalusia) has issued the Benefit of Exoneration of Unsatisfied Liabilities (BEPI) in the case of a woman who has thus been released from a debt of 9,000 euros. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, a leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENTAs the lawyers from Repara tu Deuda explain, “his state of insolvency arose when he requested financing for expenses that, on a specific basis, he could not cover with his regular income. At first, he was meeting the payment of the installments but, “As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was left without work. Job instability meant that his ability to pay back was greatly reduced.” The Second Chance Law, born in the United States more than 100 years ago, was approved in Spain in 2015. Although it is true that some people are still unaware of the existence of this legislation, the truth is that more and more people are putting their hope in it to cancel the debts they have incurred and which they cannot cope with. There are more than 20,000 people who have trusted the law firm to leave their debts behind and start from scratch. Success stories that can be demonstrated through sentences are essential to know that we have chosen correctly and Therefore, we are not victims of attractive but false information. It is for this reason that Repara tu Deuda Abogados makes the files of the stories in which they have participated available to all interested parties. Currently it is the law firm that has handled the most cases in Spain and also the one that has handled the most debt has been canceled by its clients. To date, it has exceeded the figure of 170 million euros exonerated through the application of the Second Chance Law. “Some of the exonerated – explain the firm’s lawyers – decide to tell their story in the first person to encourage others to start the process. In this way they also offer confidence to those who doubt whether to start it or not.” Bertín Osborne, image of the law firm, collaborates in the dissemination of this tool to reach the greatest number of people. “This is legislation – declare the lawyers – that allows individuals and self-employed workers who are in a situation of insolvency to leave that state. Therefore, it is essential to reach the largest possible number so that no one is left without access to that second opportunity.”For people who cannot use this mechanism, the law firm also offers the possibility of analyzing the contracts signed with banks and financial entities. The objective is to analyze whether there are abusive clauses for the cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages and to be able to claim from Cofidis, Moneyman, WiZink, Carrefour, Vivus, Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, myKredit, Kviku, etc.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: Press Officer Contact telephone number: 655956735