He claims his political autonomy in Sumar to dialogue with the PSOE and in no case will it be an impediment to the election of Sánchez


Podemos wants to negotiate directly with the PSOE the programmatic agreement for the investiture of the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, and to do so it has sent the socialists and possible parliamentary allies a document with its requirements, which it has also sent to Sumar in informative terms. Furthermore, they have reaffirmed that they aspire to be part of the new Executive.

” Podemos is indeed going to negotiate with the PSOE. Podemos is going to exercise its autonomy in this legislature and has sent its proposals for the investiture to the PSOE because we are not satisfied with the next government being a procedural one, being a government simply to leave the body dead and continue for a few more years without the right and the extreme right entering (in Moncloa), said the co-spokesperson of the purple party, Javier Sánchez Serna.

At a press conference in Congress, he indicated that the text includes the bulk of the requirements expressed on Saturday by the leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, and delves into other measures to lay the foundations for a “brave” Government, sustained by a plurinational majority in Congress.

In this way, he added that they ask, among other measures, that aid for public transport passes be raised from 50 to 80%, public control of the prices of basic foods with “exemplary sanctions” for companies that increase their cost of transportation. “unjustified” way, as is happening with olive oil and an extraordinary increase of 20% to guarantee the “dignity” of pensions, especially non-contributory ones. It also contains specific content to advance equality issues.

On Saturday Belarra revealed that for the investiture Podemos requests the continuity of the head of Equality, Irene Montero, at the head of the department, the repeal of the ‘Gag’ Law, raising the minimum interprofessional salary to 1,500 euros and freezing all rental contracts during the legislature. Yesterday, the purples emphasized that they were measures perfectly acceptable to any progressive formation.

During his appearance, Sánchez Serna explained that the purple party will act responsibly and will not be the one to prevent a coalition Executive from being revalidated. What’s more, he has noted that Podemos has already made “important sacrifices” in the 23J elections that “in another context they would not have made”, in reference to the coalition pact with Sumar.

However, the leader of the purple party has indicated that they are now debating what type of coalition Executive is achieved and they are clear that “without assuming an agenda of progressive change” that the left-wing electorate identifies and with the presence of Podemos, the right will have more options to govern in the future.

Yesterday, Sumar’s spokesperson, Ernest Urtasun, stated that he took note of Podemos’s postulates but declined to evaluate them and repeated that they are not in the phase of talking about ministries due to the insistence of the purple ones.

Specifically, he stressed that they are with the PSOE in the phase of addressing the programmatic proposals for a coalition pact, a negotiation that is being carried out above all by the acting Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Álvarez, and which is also in charge of Podemos.

For months, Podemos and Sumar have had various disagreements and Belarra advanced a plan to rearm Podemos and “protect” both its autonomy and its way of approaching politics, warning Díaz’s party that electoral agreements with the conditions that existed for 23J cannot be repeat itself again.

In the draft of the new political and organizational document undertaken by the party, the holding of open primaries without vetoes is included as a condition for future electoral pacts. He also rejects the option of dual militancy with Sumar.