Madrid, September 18

Organized by the interprofessional organizations Interovic, Provacuno and JTT, and with the technical direction of the Spanish Society for Animal Protection (SEPROBA), it will be held on September 20 at the Sparks Meeting in Brussels, although it can be followed by streaming and with simultaneous translation

The Spanish beef interprofessional, Provacuno, and the sheep meat interprofessional in Hungary, JTT, and in Spain, Interovic, announce today the program of the II International Symposium on European Animal Welfare, which will take place at the Sparks Meeting in Brussels next September 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The meeting, with free registration, can also be followed by streaming and with simultaneous translation. An extensive day with participants from the main entities and institutions to achieve progress that leads to maximum guarantees of animal welfare. Starting at 9:30 a.m., after the institutional welcome, three round tables will be held after each of which the public, both in attendance and online, will be able to ask questions to the speakers and debate the issues raised. As a point starting point, the first round table with the title “Analysis of the Animal Welfare situation” and the participation of Dr. Estelle Hamelin, from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), Miguel Ángel Higuera, from the European Platform of Animal Welfare, Carolina Cucurella, from the UECBV, and Inés Ajuda from the Eurogroup For Animals, will give a presentation on the current situation of animal welfare at the European level. During the second round table entitled “From science to the table, moving for certification”, will be Andrea Gavinelli, from Animal Welfare SANTE.G.3m, Paolo Ferrari, from the Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali (CRPA), Laura Boyle, from the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), and Laura Godoy, from Bureau Veritas, who will discuss the different ways of guaranteeing animal welfare to the consumer, including accredited certification. Finally, in the third round table and with the participation of Claudio Sala, from Textile Exchange; Mar Maestre from ICF CONSULTING, Felipe Medina, from the Spanish Association of Distributors, Supermarkets and Supermarkets (ASEDAS), and Luis Fernando Gosálvez, from SEPROBA, the relationship between the consumer and animal welfare will be analyzed and what animal welfare contributes to the consumer. and how the consumer can contribute to promoting animal welfare. The day will be closed by Ms. Joanna Stawowy, member of the cabinet of the European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski. More information at

Contact Contact name: Elvira Martín Contact description: Copilto