He says that internal criticism of Sánchez confirms that “he does not have consent for either the amnesty or the referendum”

The leader of the PP and candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has demanded this Friday from the acting head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, that he “rectify” and “backtrack” after “mobilizing” his ministers to say that They are willing to “accept” the “blackmail” that former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and the independentists have put on the table as a condition to support his inauguration.

“I solemnly ask Sánchez to back down and deny that he is willing to accede to the illegal claims of the independence movement. And if it is already serious that he is willing to open the door to an amnesty that he denied, it would be even more serious to do so change of his investiture,” Feijóo declared at the closing of the FAES Campus organized by the foundation of former president José María Aznar, who referred to him as “the hope of Spain.”

The president of the PP has stressed that “blackmail is on the table and Sánchez has rushed to mobilize his entire Government to say that they are willing to accept it.” For this reason, he has once again called on the acting head of the Executive to “reverse” and “rectify” because he himself said before the general elections in July that “amnesty did not fit in the Constitution and, of course, neither the referendum”.

Feijóo has denounced the “drift” of the Socialist Party led by Sánchez, which, in his opinion, goes directly with its steps to “undermine the basic principles” of democracy with the “sole desire to remain in power.”

As an example of this, he has cited that the PSOE does not recognize its defeat at the polls on 23-J, has not privately congratulated the winner, has decided to take the Madrid seat to the Constitutional Court to “try to modify the electoral result”, accuse José María Aznar of being a “coup plotter” and “disregard more than 11 million Spaniards who voted for change” at the polls.

Likewise, and one day after learning of the expulsion from the PSOE of the “historic” socialist Nicolás Redondo Terreros, Feijjóo has framed in this “drift” of Sánchez’s PSOE the attempt to “silence those who voted for them and who do not accept what they are doing”.

“The drift is such that now they even try to silence those who voted for him, but who rebel against what is happening and do not understand how in just one month, one can say just the opposite of what was said before,” he said. .


In this sense, he stressed that “neither the Constitution has changed, nor is the blackmail of the independentists different, nor are the amnesty and the referendum now acceptable.” According to him he added, “the only thing” that has changed “is that Sánchez has lost the elections.”

“And to this day he has not been able to say that he is not willing to give up everything in exchange for remaining in the Government,” he assured, adding that it would be “immoral” to accept the conditions that Puigdemont demands because he himself knows that It has no “fit” in the Magna Carta.

That said, he has proclaimed that they are not going to “silence them with their pressure and attacks” but rather they are going to give “a voice to all those Spaniards whom they want to silence.” For now, the PP has called for an “open” and “street” event against the amnesty on September 24 in which former presidents Aznar and Mariano Rajoy will participate.


Feijóo has stressed that the “internal criticism” that the acting head of the Executive is receiving “confirms that he does not have consent for either the amnesty or the referendum” nor is he “legitimized to do just the opposite that he promised when he submitted to the polls.” ” on July 23.

“It is also a real fraud towards those who voted for him when he promised one thing and now finds that he intends to do just the opposite,” he denounced, warning that the future of the country cannot depend on the demands of politicians who “do not believe in Spain”.

Feijóo has denounced that there is a strategy “never before experienced” in Spanish democracy in which “the entire Government dedicates itself every day to attacking the opposition”, which is “legitimately exercising its control work”. What’s more, he has said that at the end of the legislature this attempt to “silence and delegitimize any other different political opinion has intensified.” “They are the famous changes of opinion and their claim that we all agree with the millstones,” he stated.


In any case, and 10 days before the investiture debate in Congress, Feijóo has maintained his offer to the PSOE to reach a great national agreement that avoids the independentists and agrees on the main issues of a legislature with a specific duration.

The leader of the PP has stated that “attacking” the Constitution is “attacking the consensus that made it possible.” “And we are not going to resign ourselves to it,” he warned, to underline that a large majority of Spaniards identify with constitutional values ??and are committed to moderation and overcoming blocs.

Next, he lamented that while Europe tries to strengthen unity, grow to be more relevant and solve inequality problems, in Spain they are “anchored in division, in the trenches and in bloc politics.” “We find ourselves facing an unprecedented threat to our democratic system and our constitutional values. And for the first time, a state party seems willing to succumb to the challenge and give in in exchange for a few more years in power,” he added.


Likewise, Feijóo has used his speech at the FAES Campus to request the resignation of the Government’s spokesperson minister, Isabel Rodríguez, for accusing Aznar of being a “coup plotter”, demonstrations that he considers to be on the “podium of absurdities” and that show the “drift” in which, in his opinion, the acting Executive and the Socialist Party are installed.

“I want to start, first of all, by conveying to you, President, not only my personal support but also the support of the entire Popular Party in the face of the crazy attacks you have received this week, simply for proving your opinion and defending it with reasons,” he assured, adding that these accusations Aznar “would deserve the resignation of the minister who spoke out against the Government’s insults”.

Finally, the president of the ‘popular’ has joined in paying tribute to the late former minister Josep Piqué, highlighting his “interpretation of the values ??of the autonomous State with respect for diversity and within a common project.”