Madrid, September 14, 2023.

The DOP Jabugo undertakes a new communication strategy in which it aims to reinforce its hallmark and the love for a unique product

The presentation of the new concept took place yesterday Wednesday on one of the most emblematic rooftops in Madrid, within a careful gastronomic event where registered wineries, specialized media, professional restaurant associations and public institutions had the opportunity to meet close and through a unique and inspiring experience, the pride of belonging to a place and preferably a product in which magic resurfaces every day. At the event, Jose Antonio Pavón, General Director of the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin Protected (DOP) Jabugo, remarked to the attendees that “I am from Jabugo DOP is a consequence of what is confirmed when we travel around the world promoting DOP Jabugo ham or receive visitors in the Sierra to soak up the culture of the territory.” In short, he specified “smiling faces of different origins and words of exaltation pronounced with different accents”. The main objectives of the Jabugo PDO have been and continue to be since 1995 the certification of quality and origin, the protection and promotion of the Iberian hams raised and fattened with acorns and natural grasses in freedom in the pasture and made in the wineries registered with the natural microclimatic conditions of the 31 localities around the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park, whose pastures are declared a Reserve of the Biosphere by UNESCO. Subsequently, Lucía García, Communication Manager of the DOP, began a sensory tasting of DOP Jabugo ham that immersed the attendees in a gastronomic journey to the origin, to the municipalities integrated into the Jabugo DOP, which, as explained to the attendees “thanks to the committed way of doing things, from a gastronomic and tourist perspective, they have turned the 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham DOP Jabugo into one of Spain’s most recognized gourmet products in the world.” The DOP Jabugo undertakes a new communication strategy in which the aim is to reinforce its hallmark, exciting, informing and generating content of interactive value that reflects the pride of belonging that the product awakens in anyone regardless of its origin.

Contact Contact name: Laura Perelló Martín Contact description: Disset Consultors Contact phone: 658368537