The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has accepted an invitation from his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un, to visit North Korea, within the framework of their bilateral meeting on Russian territory.

Kim had invited Putin to visit his country “at a convenient time”, while the Russian leader has “gladly accepted the invitation”, expressing “again his willingness to continue the history and tradition of mutual friendship”, reads a statement. from the KCNA news agency.

Putin hinted from the Vostochny Cosmodrome that Moscow could help North Korea in its satellite development program, after two failed launches this year: “That’s why we came here. The leader of North Korea has great interest in satellite technology. rockets, they are trying to achieve development in space,” he explained.

For his part, Kim left a message in the book of honor at the cosmodrome in which he highlighted that “Russia’s glory as the country with the first explorers in space will never be erased,” after which he declared to the press that Pyongyang supports “all decisions” of Putin.

Furthermore, he explained that for North Korea “the main priority is relations with Russia,” before recalling that the Soviet Union played a great role in the formation and construction of North Korea’s independence.

Russian and North Korean authorities agreed during the meeting to hold new meetings in the near future, while sources from the Lower House of Parliament indicated in statements to Russian news agencies that a Duma delegation is scheduled to visit North Korea in the fall.