Expresses his support and solidarity with Morocco in the speech for the Diada


The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, stated this Sunday that “the amnesty, by itself, does not resolve the sovereignty conflict with the State” and that this conflict will exist until Catalonia has a referendum.

Aragonès has said that the amnesty is the “guarantee that no one else will go to prison and that the exiles will return free”, in the institutional message on the occasion of the Day of September 11, which the Government dedicates to the language Catalan and that he has pronounced from the headquarters of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC).

“We are forcing the State Government to take decisive steps for the amnesty. To assume it as essential and inevitable,” he claimed.

He has said that the way forward is to be firm, negotiate and dialogue “to definitively overcome the repression” and lay the foundations so that Catalans can vote on their political future in a referendum, according to him.

To do this, he has defended the union of the independentistas and reach a joint proposal: “If we join efforts and work together we will have much more strength to take advantage of all the opportunities that open up to us.”

Afterwards, Aragonès proposed immediately starting a new phase of negotiation “focused solely and exclusively on the substance of the conflict.”

A negotiation for the Government and the Government to agree on a path that “responds to the majority will of the citizens of Catalonia to decide by voting” their political future.

Aragonès also wanted to emphasize that “more than ever it is necessary to give a new impetus to the Catalan language” because, according to him, it is the pillar of the Catalan nation and an element of social cohesion.

He has said that the official status of Catalan in the European Parliament and its use in Congress would be “a great advance towards the total national recognition of Catalonia.”

“We must be aware that institutional recognition is not enough, that we have the historical responsibility to keep the language alive and we will only do so if we all unite to speak it,” he added.

He has assured that in order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to “strengthen the school in Catalan as a fundamental tool for equity and equal opportunities.”

Aragonès has celebrated that Catalonia is close to reaching 8 million inhabitants, and that it is the “most plural and diverse that has ever existed” and has shown his desire to be able to offer citizens the possibilities of having a full life, literally.

He highlighted that Catalonia’s potential is “limited by a fiscal deficit” and infrastructure management from outside Catalan territory, giving the case of Rodalies as an example.

The Catalan president has encouraged “facing the challenges head-on and giving them a solution in a Catalan key, which generates new opportunities and more prosperity” in reference to fronts such as climate change, the energy transition, digitalization or demographic change.

In his speech, Aragonès reiterated his support and solidarity with Morocco after the earthquake suffered this Friday night.

“Tomorrow we will fill the squares and streets, as we have always done: with all the pride. Valuing everything that unites us. Everything that defines us as a nation,” said Aragonès, who has confirmed his attendance at the mobilizations of this year, after being absent last year.

“We will do so by vindicating the desire to continue building, together, a future full of opportunities, prosperity and freedom for all,” he added.