Sweden is an amazing country with a rich biodiversity from the north to the south. Together, we have built a strong community, on the basis of the work, the principles of equality, fairness, and trust. In order to maintain the trust needs the public to be there when people need it, regardless of where in the country you are located.

In a changing society that is constantly under development, are also challenged our understanding of our peace of mind. A lot of people around the country have been experiencing the period of urbanisation disadvantages. The government and the samarbetspartierna is, therefore, agreed that it should be possible to live, to live and work in the country districts had. Even though the trend is toward more and more digital services to both private individuals as a business is still in need of that person to be able to meet with the authorities and get a personal service.

In the last term of office began, the government has a commitment to increase the state’s presence around the country. Through the relocation of government agencies from Stockholm, sweden, and the establishment of new authorities in different parts of Sweden, strengthened the central government, the presence of more job opportunities in towns and cities across the country such as, for example, Kalmar, Borås, Gävle, sweden, and the University. The government also established new service centres, including, inter alia, in the International, Angered, and Denmark.

it took the State’s centers, of the responsibility of the state servicekontoren, which so far include the interactions between the social Insurance office, pension Authority and the Swedish Tax agency. There is also a preparation for the servicekontoren in the future to provide the service in respect of the Employment of so-called ” kundtorgsverksamhet in which the employment service receives the impromptu visits, and provide information and guidance for the agency’s digital services.

Now, the government, the next step is to strengthen the state-local services. In accordance with the januariavtalet-based government out of more and more service centres in the country. The prime minister has previously stated that the center will be open in the Olympian, Torsby Vansbro and Åsele. The state’s centers will now have the mission of opening up of the service in the year 2020. Through the establishment of four offices, is pursuing the government, the parliamentary landsbygdskommitténs proposal of the government service center in each of the so-called ‘ career-high region (see the inset).

in order to develop the state servicekontoren, and thereby to strengthen the access to public services across the country. The commission of inquiry will be chaired by Sven-Erik Österberg, the county governor of Stockholm county, sweden. The mission is as follows:

today, there are 113 center spread of 106 of the country’s 290 municipalities. Of the four, announced it will be 117 office of the 110 municipalities in the country. This means that a large proportion of the country’s municipalities still lack the service. At the same time besökstrycket is very high in many of the offices in major cities and in troubled areas.

the Government and the samarbetspartierna has decided to strengthen the public provision of more places in the country. The investigating officer must therefore be assigned the task of proposing suitable locations, in which the government service centre should be set up and present a plan to the extent and speed of the expansion of the organization, it can be done.

the State agencies may not, by itself, to maintain a cost-effective kontorsnärvaro, in order to provide a local service throughout the country. To gather additional authorities to the service activities of the State, the service center may enable the government to be more efficient and effective use of koncernfördelar at the same time, such as the physical availability of the government agencies are more and more areas of the country.

the Government’s intention is that the public administration is to provide citizens with a seamless service. To increase co-operation between the government servicekontoren and local governments is an important step in the reform. It is, therefore, to analyse the possibilities of other forms of government servicesamverkan, and to highlight the opportunities for and obstacles to servicesamverkan between the state and the municipality in order to promote such cooperation.

Sven-Erik Österberg to be slutredovisa of the mission in november 2020.

the Government and the samarbetspartierna agree that the servicekontoren needs to be increased. It is also important that the public, in the future, will be included in the branches. Through the development of the state-owned service organization, we can respond to citizens ‘ legitimate expectations and the state’s presence and services.
