A new study from the home Chainalysis sees the Bitcoin price to have a great future. All the Details for the latest cops-study.

By Phillip Horch
On 7. November 2019 BTC $ 8,461.42 -0.72% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The price of Bitcoin is, according to a new study from the home Chainalysis Believe, compared with the 500 largest American stock market companies the largest growth rate.

The U.S. Blockchain analysis company, has asked 350 financial experts, as you can see the development of Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum & co. in the coming year. According to the results of financial-business cryptographic to currencies, although still critical. The sun, however, mainly on regulatory concerns – finally, the legal situation around Bitcoin & co. in many Parts of the world is still unclear.

Bitcoin price to other Assets thwart

Nearly half of the respondents (48 percent) predict the crypto currency number one, however, growth. This will see the Bitcoin price in the coming year better than the Standards & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) stock market index containing the stocks of 500 of the largest publicly traded U.S. companies.

From the Latter the promise of 33.2 percent, the largest growth. A relatively small proportion (12.7 percent) for the Bloomberg, Barclays Bond Index, the so-called bond market, the largest of the future. At the end of the House Pricing Index, for the 5.5 percent of the study participants, the largest of the year, plus forecast forms. Nevertheless, the participants in the study to identify constraints for the Growth, slowing down the Bitcoin market.

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Whether manipulation of the Bitcoin price, or a lack of regulation: The crypto-market, many potential investors is uncertain.

So 39 percent of the financial experts recognize the lack of control of illegal activities with Bitcoin & co. as an impediment to deal more business with crypto currencies. A further 17.9 per cent do not see themselves in the position with the legislation to agree. Nearly a quarter do not see the opportunities in the market as large enough, 17.9 percent complain of a lack of support by managers.

in Short: a Lot of companies are not yet ready for Bitcoin & co.

Bitcoin exchange rate and adaptation

In the crypto-Community should be the Mantra known: For a rising Bitcoin price, followed by a moon trip, it requires above all the dissemination and use by a wider audience. The often-quoted mass adaptation also provides for a majority of the survey participants as the biggest factor to deal with Bitcoin & co. Accordingly, 43.9 percent of the respondents identify a need for increasing customers as a necessary basis to crypto-currencies and more into the business to incorporate. 19.9% indicated that the main adaptation drivers in the business field, and a more pioneering position. 17.9 percent rely on the Option to earn with Bitcoin & co. money. A further 19.9 per cent see the possibility of positioning the company as to the future, as the main factor.

If there is a digital global currency – who will you control?

answer This question the respondents as follows:

the United States of America (37.2 percent), nobody (decentralized global currency) (29.9%) China (21.1 percent), Facebook (5.8 percent), Switzerland (5.8 percent)

in other words: Almost 30 per cent see the possibility that it may, if it is a digital global currency should be, this is under decentralized control. If the Bitcoin should be, could climb in the price of Bitcoin to new heights. How likely this is, is another question.


So far, So bullish. Many financial experts see the possibility that the price of Bitcoin in the next 12 months other Assets in the shadows, as a high. But who are these experts?

A look at the Details of the study reveals: Chainalysis respondents to the 350 participants of the 19. ACAMS Annual AML & Financial Crime Conference in Las Vegas for a conference so the issues of financial crime. These are composed of Bank representatives, credit institutions, financial institutions and regulatory authorities. Here, it should be noted that it is a selected group of respondents. It is, therefore, at best, an opinion survey for a scientific study.

Nevertheless, the Chainalysis study fits in with the current mood of the market. Possible Bitcoin-price-drivers such as the upcoming crypto-Integration at the coffee giant, Starbucks, or even the persistent Blockchain efforts of China in the Wake of the digital arms race speak a bullish language.

Also, the General market sentiment has improved, according to the Crypto Fear & Greed Index. Currently, investor sentiment is neutral.

To our market analysis and Bitcoin-rates-Outlook, it goes here.


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