moves During the Brexit within reach, is a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland more and more likely. A company now has a proposal to address the looming logistical nightmare, submit to the will bring the introduction of customs controls on the Irish-Northern Irish border. The Blockchain technology is to take the No-Deal scenario, the horror of it. The reactions are mixed.

By Christopher clover
8. October 2019BTC$9.549,38 4.90%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Brexit stands in front of the door: On the 31. October will leave the UK, in all likelihood, the European Union. Nevertheless, it is open as a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland can be avoided. Currently, Brussels, Dublin and Belfast, brooding over a new proposal by the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson: Northern Ireland should leave the European customs Union, the EU internal market, but not before 2024. From Dublin and Brussels, there is already criticism. The Irish Minister for EU Affairs Helen McEntee below. provides Johnson cherry-picking:

It comes back to certain parts of the internal market which are supposed to be aligned in the North of Ireland is attached It’s going to be a period of time, in turn, is not acceptable,

so McEntee to the Guardian.

A No-Deal-Brexit, with Johnson by his own admission not have been a Problem, is all the more probable. As to the EU’s external borders, customs checks are mandatory, would interfere with the “hard Brexit” the free movement of Goods and people between Ireland and Northern Ireland. An estimated 72 million vehicles in the Irish-Northern, annually pass the Irish border, which also chains of companies in the supply margins. Due to the threat of border controls is a logistical and bureaucratic mammoth task is on the horizon.

Brexit: No Deal, no Problem, thanks to the Blockchain?

A British company is of the opinion that the use of the Blockchain technology can help the fluid movement between Ireland and Northern Ireland should be maintained. The proposal of the company Eland provides a block chain based System for the transport of goods. It is computer-controlled containers and their tracking by means of GPS-data. The manipulation stop, the recording of all relevant data on a Blockchain.

In Essence, it is a customs warehouse on wheels, which cuts the Gordian knot by, such as the United Kingdom to leave the EU as well as in the good Friday agreement guarantees laid down in respect of

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Eland CEO Charles Le Gallais explained to the Reuters news Agency. To see how the report is called the Eland proposal with mixed reactions. While a representative of the British government was grateful for every proposal for the softening of a hard limit, is a representative of the Northern Irish industry skeptical.

If this were a viable idea, it would use the limits between Sweden and Norway, the USA and Canada already, and both are a world leader in transport technology,

Stephen Kelly, head of the industry Association, Manufacturing Northern Ireland argued. He overlooks the fact that the Blockchain technology is in logistics, is increasingly the engine of innovation.


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