The media company Warner Music Group is supporting the new project of the developers of the Ethereum project, crypto kitties. On “Flow”, it should be created a unique digital collection items and exchanged.

By Christopher clover
16. September 2019 BTC$10.155,32 -1.19% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The record company Warner Music has participated in an investment round for Dapper Labs, the company behind the well-known Ethereum-dApp crypto kitties. The Dapper Labs had on the 12th. September on his Medium Blog. Of the eleven million US Dollar investment round, the crypto-Fund of the Investor Andreessen Horowitz participating, in addition to Warner Music group and other investors.

Warner Music is planning to a report from Forbes, according to which platform to use “Flow” of Dapper Labs for the creation of digital Assets.

Flow is the Name of the new Blockchain from Dapper Labs. They should be developed with a focus on non-fungible Token (“non-fungible tokens”). These are crypto-tokens, each of which is unique, that is, No Token is similar to the other. Wider recognition not obtained-fungible Token with the dApp crypto kitties, when it comes to the “Breed”, Collect and trade digital kitten.

reached As the popularity of crypto kitties its Zenith, the number of transactions for the dApp, the Ethereum network almost to a standstill.

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Apparently, Dapper Labs did not want to wait until the Ethereum Community has found a solution to the scaling problem of Ethereum. So, decided to Dapper Labs to raise with the Flow, a separate Blockchain from the baptism. Unlike Ethereum Flow is not to put the Consensus in the network on the energy-hungry Proof-of-Work method. Instead, a Form of Proof of Stake is to be used.

Flow [distributed] the tasks that are typically carried out by a single Node [network node], on five different Node types. [As a result, the redundant effort is reduced] significantly, and the efficiency improved. To use this approach, developed by the Flow Team, a new cryptographic technique called Specialized Proofs of Confidential Knowledge (Spock’s).

The allocation of tasks to different specialised network nodes, to allow for block periods of ten seconds, slightly faster than Ethereum. Above all, however, Flow should be able to more transactions per second (TPS) to cope with than Ethereum. The prototype achieved according to the developer information is already 1000 TPS. Until the Launch of Flow, is planned for 2020, to be TPS in the five-digit range are possible.

Flow is to be suitable particularly for applications in which it comes to ensuring the authenticity of digital identities.

[the Possible Use Cases for the Flow to use] artists or Bands, the crypto-Token, in order to provide millions of Fans with new ways to put their Fandom on Display, the games, the Gamer for the value-added reward and assets, and identities, the user can take in infinite open environments, or platforms for sports fans around the world to be verified, an authentic, limited-edition digital memorabilia in real-time,

it is stated in the blog post of Dapper Labs.

Warner Music on Blockchain-course

From Forbes Jeff Bronikoswi stressed, in the case of Warner Music, responsible for the Business Development, the paradigm shift, the digitalization for the music and fan culture means:

When I was in College, did you come in the room from someone and saw 200 CDs and said: “The guy is a big music fan.” And now you just see someone with a music-subscription Service, and some of the Playlists. We are of the opinion that, in view of the increasing time people spend in order to establish your personality in the digital area, digital goods, and collectibles are a great opportunity to have your Fandom to Express

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Bronikowski, Forbes reveals. Warner also examines block chain-based facilities, to enable Fans to buy their favorite artists directly and without a middle-man, “gratuities”.


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