Next week, the Blockchain Week Berlin starts. 18. up to 29. August gather in the German capital Blockchain experts from all over the world.

By Phillip Horch
16. August 2019BTC$9.697,19 -8.62%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

a Blockchain-events don’t have the best reputation. In the past, especially in times of ICO-Hype Phase in 2017, there were often Events that did not go beyond the pure Shillen new doubt Coins are liable also. This image is changing now, however. The motto “I’m in it for the technology” (roughly: With the technology) seems to be a pure Investment to displace parties slowly.

The Blockchain Week Berlin will be understood in this sense as a decentralized, Community-organized Initiative. In the spirit of the Distributed Ledger technology and in Bitcoin-Spirit, there is no Central authority, no single organizer. Rather, it is in the Blockchain Week Berlin to an “agnostic movement”, which relies on self-managed Organisation of the participant:

We invite projects, individuals, and anyone who is interested in a fruitful and instructive discussions, to meet us in Berlin in August.

it is said in the official announcement. In contrast to major ICO events, the Event will focus on the technological progress. The self-declared goal is to achieve, through (continuing)education of mass adaptation.

Blockchain Week Berlin: Highlights

A Highlight of the event is the Web3 Summit is certainly, the of 19. 21. August takes place. Three days of Web3 Summit gathered about 100 high-profile Speaker, the future and the current state-of-the Blockchain-to discuss technology. To do this, David Chaum (Elixir, Bitcoin precursor ECash) and Gavin Wood (Parity, Ethereum co-founder) belong to. Even whistleblowers, and privacy is available to be Snowden real Edward via Video switches.

Other Highlights of the Ethereum Magicians Berlin Council (20, for example. August), or the Web3 Prototyping Hack Night at the Funkhaus Berlin.

While events such as the Web3 Summit are already sold out, there are for individual events, such as the meta cartel Demo Day in 2019 Tickets from 46,29 US dollars, or 0.25 of Ether (ETH).

An Overview of all the events of the Blockchain Week Berlin can be found here.

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