The Start-up EDNA wants to gain by using the Blockchain technology, more and more people have access to the global market for DNA. Together with the Singaporean financial services provider WORBLI, the company developed an App, what is the human genome safe to EOSIO-block chains to register and users to at the same time, about Smart Contracts, a fair compensation get. In the course of intensive genetic research, the trafficking of human genes is currently booming. For your DNA-donors, however, often only a fraction of the market value.

By David Barkhausen
19. July 2019BTC$10.329,00 a lively market for human DNA 9.87%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

As for blood or plasma donations in the past few years. More and more people sequence their genomes in institutes and laboratories to the scientists for their research to be made available to. From the side of the dispenser also has a financial interest in the foreground is not the least often. Of the astronomical sums paid for any of your DNA on the market, you will see, however, often only a fraction.

Fair compensation thanks to EOSIO block chains

this will Change the Start-up EDNA. Together with the Singaporean financial services provider WORBLI it has written to the company on the Flag, to make the trade with your own genetic material more attractive. This is both to announce on Wednesday, the 17. July, in a joint press release.

Hand-in-Hand to bring out the company’s App, which allows donors to receive for their contribution to genetic research in a “fair compensation”. Blockchain technology will, in turn, provide the necessary security of the genetic material and the donor data.

the service follows a at least at first glance, the simple-appearing recipe. Using the App, donors will be able to your genetic data, obtained for example in the context of a laboratory study, reading. The App registers again the Information encrypted and secure on EOSIO-block chains. About Smart Contracts, users should get control over when their genetic material to research institutions and organisations is given. At the same time, Smart Contracts should provide for appropriate compensation.

So, in the future, more and more people provide their data for research purposes, want to connect to the service in addition, investors from the Genmarkt with potential donors. About the App this should be able to the money necessary for the gene collection is ready, and the market for genes for the widest possible audience will open:

We are very happy to realize a project of this size, from the millions of people around the world can benefit,

WORBLI-managing Director, Dominic Thomas hopes to have the broad effect of the App. He sees in the secure data trading, a potential billion-dollar business for the future.

genetic research dares to take big jumps

where the person is and what makes him so? Despite decades of research, our genes are still great secrets. However, over 50 years after DNA was discovered, researchers understand our genetic material, only a little. The susceptibility to diseases, human intelligence and life – all of this should be enshrined in the double helix of our DNA. In order to understand this inheritance, research scientists today, as intense as never in the human genetic material.

the scientists ‘ cars last always bigger jumps, and also to moral boundaries. Only in the past year, some of the Chinese physicians He Jiankui had caused headlines worldwide. He had changed the genetic makeup of human embryos so that they formed a resistance against the HI Virus.

Other researchers hope to use genetic interventions to shape the people of the future from scratch. The Geneva is designed to help research, to strengthen the intelligence and memory and so extend the life. Researchers at the University College London hope to breed using the DNA of a human replacement organs in the laboratory.

The Success of all of these advances will also depend in future on the availability and, not least, the affordability of human genome.

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