Apparently bruised investors have yesterday, Monday, may 8. July to provides access to a research centre of Tron. The company asserted that investors have fallen for a fraud scheme victim, that Trons brand names in China had been acting. Rumors, according to which Chinese police had the office space of the crypto Start-ups by addiction, not confirmed however.

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crypto-investors need to guard against fraud schemes. Anyone who is already a little longer, and may (perhaps rather reluctantly) to 2017 back. At the time all of the ICO-Hype led to a veritable explosion of fraudulent projects: As studies have shown about 80 percent of the ICOs Scam.

the new bull cycle is likely to provide for a re-emergence of fraud in the crypto Space; the first signs are already there. As of yesterday, Monday, may 8. July, Amateur footage on Twitter, the angry people in the Raybo Research and Development Center in Beijing show. In the centre is a research direction, working in the name of Tron.

As is known now, was the Mob of angry investors who had been cheated out of a crypto-fraud scheme, called Wave-Field Super-Community. The juicy stuff: In China, Tron, under the name of Wave Field is known. As the Start-up stresses, however, in a press release, Tron to do with the said Wave Field Super Community nothing – only the Name on the way, an unfortunate Similarity.

Tron impersonator bounce investors to $ 30 million

in fact Tron in accordance with the contents of the press release has already been initiated for some time, aware of the fraud scheme, and even action against the imitators:

After [we] had heard of the Wave Field Super Community, have tried Official of Raybo […] to move the company a cease and desist its practice.

Shortly after the video recordings of the course will be initially rumors that it had been in the police use to search the Tron office space. This Tron-CEO Justin Sun denied, however, already on the evening of 8. July.

@Tronfoundation and @BitTorrent is in order. Everything is in order. We prepare for today’s launch of #BitTorrent speed. Stop spreading Fake News.

The Wave Field Super Community Scam, however, attempts no lightweight in the Boxing ring of the fraud. Although the backgrounds are still unclear. Media such as Yahoo Finance reports, however, of a total damage of up to 30 million US dollars, of the bruised investors should be created. Also, a suicide is supposed to be a result of the machinations of the Wave Field Super Community.

Meanwhile, investors accuse Justin Sun and Tron, to have in advance not clearly enough communicated, that the Wave Field of the Super Community is not a part of the Tron-conglomerate.

This, in turn, the company has denied in the press release:

In terms of reports on the inaction of TRON, in particular in relation to fraud on the part of the Wave Field Super Community, in January after she learned of the Wave Field of the Super Community, and that they had enlisted investors in the name of TRON, warned TRON the investors in their WeChat group Messaging and the official channels of Wei Bo from potentially fraudulent programs. The company published similar warnings in its English Version.

to have a Great deal of damage seems to be Tron to the loss of image, however, not be taken. TRX lost to seven days, while almost three per cent in value. In the weekly chart, the Top 11-crypto currency there is, however, a Plus of 4.3 percent as well.

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