The World Bee Project has brought support from Tech giant Oracle. With the help of the Blockchain technology, a new seal of quality for honey is to be created. A silent Declaration of war
against the bees die.

Max Halder
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buy In a globally networked world. we are in the supermarket products, in the production of which often, many of the countries and people involved. Unfortunately, we rarely know where the ingredients come from. Also not the conditions under which these are produced. It comes to environmentally-friendly production, we rely on a variety of products certified as Organic. What decent terms of employment, we are committed to FairTrade. It comes to the country of origin, so we read on the plastic packaging on it. However, the Supply Chain of a product is incredibly long and complicated. At the end we have to trust in what suggest text or seal. In order to strengthen the trust and to make the production process more transparent, and is not used for the Blockchain technology in the food sector more and more often: The shipping of goods, Nestlé Baby food, BMW for cobalt production, or Walmart in terms of food safety. The World Bee Project (WBP) is now working with Oracle on a Blockchain solution to make the Supply Chain of honey is more transparent.

BeeMark and Monitoring

The bee is without a doubt one of the most important animals of the earth. Your liquid Gold is a myriad of people on the Breakfast table. Together with the Californian Tech giants Oracle, the WBP wants to lift the seal of quality “BeeMark” from the baptism. The Label should show whether honey comes from ecological and sustainable sources. Furthermore, the WBP environmental factors plan to monitor. This should be done for example by monitoring systems in hives, according to the scene magazine . Ultimately, the bees are dying with the help of this Blockchain should be explored Initiative.

The World Bee Project

“The World Bee Project has global ambitions, speaks to the problems and opportunities at the local level. We are sustainable beekeepers from London, have bee houses both in the country as well as in the city. We are thrilled that we can make our data and our Knowledge in the larger imaginary World Bee Project, incorporated“,

so Dale Gibson, founder of the Bermondsey Street Bees in London.

The global ambitions of the WBP at the sight of the facts clearly. 87 percent of all flowering plants are pollinator-dependent. 77 percent of the world’s available food would not exist without pollinators. And the world is the work of 1.4 billion people is based solely on the contribution of pollinators. What a sensible use of this new Blockchain technology.

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