Most of the autonomous communities have supported the decision of the acting Government to postpone the reform of the Evaluation of the Baccalaureate for University Access (EBAU), so there will be no changes in the 2024 test, with the exception of the Government of Aragon that he believes that “it is not good news”.

Precisely, the second vice president and spokesperson for the Aragonese Government, Mar Vaquero, stated this Thursday that the decision of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to postpone the EBAU “is not good news”. The ‘popular’ Vaquero considers that it would have to “be a unique test” for all of Spain.

For his part, the Minister of Education, Science and Universities of the Community of Madrid, Emilio Viciana, has welcomed this decision “with reservations”, at the same time that he has defended that the reform of the EBAU be carried out “in a calm manner and with consensus “.

“Reservations regarding the forms, because the call for the meeting was made in a hasty manner, without including any mention of the EBAU on the agenda at all, relying on technical issues”, explained the Madrid minister, referring to the meeting called this Thursday by the Ministry to transfer its decision to the autonomous communities, at the same time that it has expressed its “reservations” regarding the content, since it believes that what is being done “is an indefinite proposal”.

Andalusia has also applauded the postponement of the EBAU reform. Thus, the Minister of Educational Development and Vocational Training of the Junta de Andalucía, Patricia del Pozo, has shown her “joy” and hopes that “a dialogue will open” with the autonomous communities for the new test.

Along the same lines, the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, has welcomed the news of the postponement of the new test, given the “virtually unanimous criticism from all sectors”, and hopes that it will lead the Ministry to “realize realize that the objective has to be an exam that equalizes all the students in Spain”.

The Councilor for Education, Vocational Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia, Víctor Marín, has also valued “positively” the extension of the reform of the new university entrance exam, although the regional government “does not share the design of the new EBAU that the Ministry is proposing”.

The Murcian government, as the councilor has pointed out, “does not see the time at which this new test could be implemented as appropriate, with a government in office that lacks the necessary power to do so, especially when the start of the course is near and the teachers They need certainty, security and tranquility, just like the students to face such an important course for their academic future as a second year of Baccalaureate”.

Likewise, the spokesman for the Government of Castilla y León, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, has defined as “logical” that the Executive has postponed the new test, since it provides “security and certainty” to the second year Baccalaureate students who start the course in a few days and recalled that the Junta de Castilla y León had requested this postponement.

Although the Valencian Generalitat values ??this postponement positively, it has demanded “legal certainty and speed” from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training regarding the EBAU tests for this course.

He has also expressed his “satisfaction” with the decision of the Ministry of the Government of Cantabria since, in his opinion, the new model of the EBAU “would generate tensions and, probably, difficulties for the students.”

On the other hand, Castilla-La Mancha, which has also thanked the Government for its decision to stop the new test before the start of the course, has shown its willingness to collaborate with the Ministry.

Likewise, the Government of Asturias has applauded the postponement of the new exam model, maintaining the current EBAU model for one more year, since “it gives certainty and peace of mind to students and teachers and allows them to continue working in the technical groups that have created”.

On the other hand, the Catalan Government has demanded that the Ministry advance the publication of the order on the characteristics of the entrance exams to the University, to “reduce uncertainty as much as possible” and advance the definition of the modifications of the tests.

In this context, he recalled that the ministerial order for this year’s tests was not published until January 23, 2023, for which he requests that “this ministerial order be expedited and available as soon as possible to know the details what is maintained and what can change”.