the In Thailand, there are prospects on a Bitcoin exchange for institutional investors. The Start of the Bakkt Futures currently have to wait, while in Bermuda the first regulated Exchange comes up. In addition, Canada is on the hunt for Short Trading. The regulatory-ECHO.

By Phillip Horch
23. March 2019BTC$3.989,67 , and 0.28% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Again, only gehodlt and not be aware of what is happening in the regulation of Bitcoin, Altcoins and everything that goes with it,? Makes nothing. Here, the regulatory-ECHO.

Stock Exchange of Thailand: Bitcoin exchange for institutional investors, 2020

In Thailand the securities exchange of, the SET is working on an approach to regulate Bitcoin & co. in full. This is also a trading platform. If it runs well, goes to the Exchange soon. The Bitcoin exchange for institutional investors to come in 2020.

Bakkt: launch of Bitcoin Futures, not in this quarter

The currencies is a minor setback for Fans of futures contracts for Crypto: The long-awaited Bitcoin Futures from home Bakkt should not come in this quarter. This is not to say, however, that they be cancelled. More? Here along.

Bermuda allows first Bitcoin stock exchange

news from Bermuda. The crypto-magazine crypto ninja reported that the first stock exchange called the Omega One has the permission to trade crypto-currencies on the British overseas territory. The company is aimed primarily at institutional investors, the “flush big money” into the System.

Canada is considering to ban Short Trading and Margin Selling

a Trader in Canada may soon be shorter. The government is considering to declare soon, Short Trading and Margin Selling on Bitcoin exchanges is illegal. The authorities submitted last week a proposal for a Law. It States:

Although DLT may offer advantages suggest that global transactions on crypto systems, which have, compared to other plants is an increased risk in relation to loss and theft. […] In order to reduce the risk of potentially manipulative or misleading activity in the short term, we propose that platforms don’t allow Dark Trading or Short Selling or margin on your participant can be expanded.

Japan wants to put the regulatory belt-tightening

Japan, Too, against Margin Trading. As you can see from the local news site Nikkei Reports, here’s the “virtual currency trading”, i.e. crypto-Trading, the focus is:

The Cabinet approved on Friday the draft Amendments to Japan’s financial instruments and payment services laws, which would limit the lever in the virtual currency margin trading on the Two – to-four times the initial deposits. The new Limits correspond to the Standards and are comparable with those in foreign exchange trading.

Switzerland: the national Council wants to regulate

It was a close one. But with 93 to 88 votes, the Swiss government and the national Council opted for a speedy full regulation of Bitcoin, Altcoins and other crypto-currencies:

The Federal Council wants to send in the spring, proposals for the regulation of Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin in the consultation process. The Finance Minister Ueli Maurer said on Wednesday in the national Council. The Council nonetheless took a procedural request.

The current development in the Alpine country suggests: It will not be too restrictive.

So far, So regulated. The regulatory-ECHO.

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