the In Cyberspace, a new threat for crypto-enthusiasts. The speech is from so-called Mining Malware, which uses in the Background of System resources to mine for example, Monero. In the last few weeks the computer with the Windows operating system of Mining, in particular, seem to be malware infested.

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If it is a blog post by the security firm Trend Micro of 20. February may Believe, since the end of January, a new Mining harmful software in circulation. Particularly platforms are threatened, according to the blog post users of Windows. When we attack, the malware searches for a weak point in the open Ports 445 and uses the security-prone Patch MS17-010 (Patch for 2017) for infection and propagation routines. MIMIKATZ and RADMIN generate a seemingly valid Windows function, which transmits unnoticed data and access to system resources obtained. The goal of the Hacker Tools is to create a remote connection, which allows the attacker access to the System to mine with the system resources, the cryptocurrency Monero.

How the Mining Malware works?

The hackers use in the attack, the computing power of the infected devices to operate crypto-Mining. As for the Monero-Malware are generated by the abuse of computing power of new blocks to incorporate the Monero block Chain. The criminal approach of harmful or unauthorized Monero mining avoids some of the disadvantages, such as a Trojan as a Ransomware. The unauthorized Mining, the victim must be informed, for example, about the attack, in order to pay the ransom. In this way, an attack on the System can go unnoticed for an indenite period of time. The technique of masking their activities under the randomly-named files, and appears to be valid functions. As a result, the Malware does not burden the CPU and GPU resources. An infestation of the Hardware leads, in turn, that systems are running unusually slow.

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Criminals can dig for with this method, instead of a single ransom payment over a long period of time crypto-currencies, without the victim getting suspicious. Affected, however, have no choice. Who is not aware of the attack, pays, whether he wants it or not. Cyber criminals determine the attack itself, how much money you want to generate. According to Microsoft, there is currently, among other things, the ability to activate the Mining-protection function of the Defenders in InTune, or to use Windows PowerShell.


However, the damage for affected systems is large. Although the resource theft is usually completely unnoticed; the effects of the attack are Concerned, however, evident in the long term. High electricity costs and an increasing wear of the Hardware can be the result and the purse of the victim burden. Meanwhile, the anonymity of many crypto-currencies guaranteed as Monero cyber criminals optimum basis for business. Consumers and businesses should therefore make sure in the future, regular Patches from reputable vendors to download and install a multilayer protection system. According to a study by the Cybersecurity Team of Palo Alto Networks about around five percent of the total in circulation XMR are currently been gemint by malicious software. One may Believe the report, are akruell around 841.000 geminte Monero is worth about $ 44 million on the use of illegal and malicious software.

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