the According to the theft of millions of IOTA, the international authorities have sought jointly to the crypto-thief. After the arrest of a 36-year-old Suspect in the IOTA Foundation now takes a stand.

Max Halder
6. February 2019BTC$3.406,85 -1.47%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It is a flagship example of cooperation between a non-profit Foundation with international authorities and well-organised End-users. More than a year ago, irregularities in the IOTA occurred Wallets of many users. After the German and British police, under the leadership of Europol, on 23. January 2019 with a 36-year-old British has taken, the Offense as a One-Man-is blamed on the Show, has now also the IOTA Foundation.

official story

The contribution by Koen Maris, Advisor to the IOTA Foundation and the CTO, the IT-giant Atos, appeared on 4. February on the in-house Blog. Maris the events of the series portrays. It is a part of IOTAs official version of the story:

On the 19. January 2018 began to Criminals in order to move mass tokens from compromised Wallets. At least six months before the fraudster was used of site to collect Seeds of the Users of this Website.

The incidents shook the at that time not even one year IOTA Foundation. In the course of the next few weeks, a close co-operation between the IOTA Foundation, authorities of law enforcement and the HelloIOTA-Forum was created, however. The Foundation of a new Forum called for the victims of the attack. “Alexa and Winston, both active in the HelloIOTA Forum, contacted the Foundation and it was created in cooperation with a form for reporting,” explains Koen Maris, “[so] were the victims of a single voice.” The information collected were handed over to the German police. Through the close cooperation of the HelloIOTA, the IOTA Foundation and the staff of the German police steps investigation, meanwhile, is progressing rapidly. So, you soon realized where the root of the problem.

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You may be pleased

IOTA Foundation is calling on more to turn into the victims of Affairs, and in the case of General Notices to the local police. The final clarification of the case, will need still some time, but the IOTA Foundation for the cooperation is quite confident. Finally, Koen Maris thanks on behalf of the Foundation at the IOTA Community, and in particular to the Discord-#support channel, when HelloIOTA Forum and the two users as Alexa and Winston, in the case of the German police, and in the case of the Exchanges, which have provided valuable information.


The 85 affected Wallets, at first glance, irrelevant. However, at this history of an important success in the field of Mainstream adaptation. Dominik Schiener, the head of the IOTA Foundation, in the case of Reuters, one of the largest news agencies in the world, in an Interview. The Europol and German and British colleagues have demonstrated their ability to act in the Kryptoversum. The crypto-friend will be happy to know that you can fight back now with the help of the legal Hand of the state against aggressors.

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