the hackers and other cyber criminals managed to in the past year, to obtain crypto-currencies counter-value of around 1.7 billion US dollars. This is a 3.6 Times greater Profit than 2017. Corresponding to the quarterly report of analysts of . Now it is time for the Criminals to launder the stolen Coins as quickly as possible – before a global Bitcoin regulation Board uniform Anti-money laundering policies (AML), a dash through the bill.

By Christopher clover
30. January 2019BTC$3.459,44 0.72%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

a Little more than half of the $ 1.7 billion comes from crypto-exchange hacks. This show, with painful regularity, the comfort of Bitcoin exchanges is not without risk. The report of the cipher-trace quantifies the exchanges-Hacks trophy total for the year 2019, with $ 950 million.

The remaining $ 750 million will go to the account of Exit Scams, Inside Jobs, and Ponzi Schemes. Cipher trace emphasized that it is 1.7 billion US dollars, only the amount that you could run back without a doubt to cyber criminal activities. The number of unreported cases is likely to be therefore significantly about it.

the Global AML framework up to 2020?

in addition, cybercriminals are increasingly find pleasure in, the individual end user to attack. Especially SIM Swapping is here and growing in popularity. In the case of SIM Swapping attacker to gain control over the Smartphone, and thus indirectly also about the identity of the victim. So you can spend as the victim, for example, the Two-factor authentication of Bitcoin to bypass exchanges and to clear the stored Wallets will be empty. This Form of identity theft leads cipher traces list of the ten largest crypto-threats.

Now it is 1.7 billion US dollars in black money, which is still awaiting the Laundry. The Criminal will have to hurry, at least when it comes to the evaluation of cipher trace:

“[…] in 2018, there were large steps around the globe to rein in the wild West aspect of the [crypto-]markets. By 2020, most modern economies have introduced strict regulations to combat money laundering in the case of crypto-currencies.“

In the past year, the worldwide progress in the crypto-regulation. Such as Malta the first country has established a comprehensive AML regime for companies in the sector of the virtual financial assets. The U.S. stock market and securities supervision authority, the SEC has, however, initiated the first action against a crypto-exchange that has been accused of unregistered trading in securities. In Japan, where Privacy Coins are now prohibited, be allowed to regulate crypto-exchanges, however.