the Bitmain adjusts the operation of his Mining Farm in Texas, Rockdale. As a local radio station reported, the company is already installed Miner temporarily completely shut down. Up to three executives, all employees of the site have to leave the company.

14. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

First, the Texas radio station TRP reported on the problems of Bitmain. According to the report, Bitmain see themselves forced to curb its Expansion plans temporarily. The Mining was now Farm in Rockdale, a suburb of Texas and the Federal capital city of Austin, affected.

Both for the Region as well as for the company, this was a shock. Because the Mining Farm had previously been on track to become the largest of its kind in the entire United States.

TRP, cites the district judge Steve Young:

“they have millions for the renewal of the building is issued. I was told that there are already 7,000 or 8,000 Miner [in the system].“

Therefore, Bitmain would have been able to include in the district of Milam County in the near future, the largest employers at all. Accordingly, in consternation, judge Young:

“I’m really disappointed, because we have the advertised. We had been waiting for. We had wanted to do that.“

According to the source, with only two developers, and the chief of the personnel Department all employees of the site have to leave the company.

Exodus continues

the closing of The Texas location falls in a series of Reports on current difficulties of the largest producers of ASIC miners. Already in December, BTC-ECHO reported on the closure of a research centre in Israel’s Ra’anana; all employees had to take your hat.

Read also: USA: Department of energy promotes Blockchain projects for fossil fuels

The bear market seems to have hit the Hong Kong-based group is harder than I thought. Due to the negative developments in the last time also a change at the highest level on the horizon: For, as the South China Morning Post reported, to withdraw both CEOs of Bitmain. Someone who takes Jihan Wus and Ketuan Zhans succession, is so far not known.