the The possibility of an exchange-traded Bitcoin Fund (ETF) has also, apparently, the regulators in Japan. According to insider reports, the existence of the US news Agency Bloomberg, reviews the Japanese regulatory authority, the FSA, currently, the demand for a Bitcoin ETF.

By Christopher clover
8. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

has now moved to the investment-savvy parts of the Bitcoin Community in the past year as well as the possible introduction of a Bitcoin ETF. The Argus eyes turned mainly towards the USA, where the securities regulatory authority of the SEC to deal for quite some time with the pros and Cons of such a financial product. After various ETF’s-have received proposals from the SEC are already a cancellation, the advance from the home VanEck is currently considered the most promising candidate. The SEC does not seem to have yet, however, too in a hurry, the Van Eck SolidX Bitcoin ETF wave. The Bitcoin community needs to wait a little, until your Cryptocurrency accused of institutional investors to the wolves – at least when it comes to the SEC.

Futures no, ETF’s, maybe

Apparently, the SEC is not the only regulatory authority that is actively engaged with the issue a Bitcoin ETF. So, the regulatore colleagues are currently in the far East with the possibility of an exchange-traded Fund for Bitcoin. The Bloomberg reported, citing insider sources. According to information from a “Person familiar with the matter, explores the Japanese financial services authority, the FSA currently, the demand of the financial industry after a Bitcoin ETF. However, the FSA derivatives such as Bitcoin Futures, or Ethereum options in the last month, granted a cancellation. The FSA saw in this no more value that goes beyond pure price speculation.

on The subject of Bitcoin ETF will play for the FSA in addition to the demand, the theme of investor protection an important role. Japan is, in this respect, already a burned child. In January, the crypto-exchange Coincheck fell to a devastating Hacker attack to the victim. The hackers succeeded, NEM Token in to steal a (then) value of around 430 million euros. Due to a close cooperation with the FSA Coincheck has now the prospect of a license for the operation of a crypto-stock exchange.