The Chinese Bitcoin exchange, Huobi, is a stock exchange based on the crypto-currency EOS. This is to be done about their Mining, a subsidiary of Huobi Pool. The world’s first EOS-exchange should go in the first quarter of 2019 to the Start.

By Christopher clover
At the 2. January 2019ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

That the crypto market is still dominated by the industry leader Bitcoin, is not just reflected in the market capitalization. In the case of the major crypto exchanges, especially Bitcoin is used so far as a swap partner for the “smaller” Coins and tokens. The Singapore-based crypto Exchange Huobi now plans a platform where everything revolves around EOS. The Huobi Group announced on 29. December in a press release known.

Behind the project is the Mining subsidiary of the Exchange, Huobi Pool. The establishment of the EOS stock market was a “logical step” in the expansion of the EOS Ecosystem:

“As EOS Supernode Huobi Pool has set its ecological development high on the priority list,”

Cao Fei, CEO of Huobi Pool, explains in the press release.

Huobi Pool is the largest block producer in the DPoS-based EOS network. EOS has the claim to form a kind of distributed operating system and up to a Million transactions per second to implement. This should be possible by Delegated-Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. In this 21 selected block producers decide on the condition of the network.

EOS is so far unimpressed

While EOS stands high in the favor of the Chinese government and their crypto-Rating leads regularly, RUB critic of the DPoS mechanism. The last white block EOS has put under the microscope and found that the Gulf between ambition and reality in EOS so far apart – both in terms of potential TPS as well as about the decentralization aspect. White block also criticised the role of the block of producers that act in the network as a means of men. As a result, this not only represented a key attack vector for hackers; because of the lack of insight in the actual computational capacity of the Block Producer it is secured, furthermore, that the EOS Token represents this one-to-one.

On the day of the announcement of the EOS-Exchange, was recorded by the EOS-rate first increased from about five percent to 2.77 dollars. The price gains were, however, not 24 hours. Currently, the price of the fifth-largest crypto-currency will move by market capitalisation lower than the 2,7-US-Dollar-brand.