the The Solaris Bank lives up to its reputation as a crypto-savvy commercial Bank: As the company on Wednesday, the 12. December, announced that it supports the Berlin-based financial institution, the Stuttgart stock exchange in building a crypto-trading space.

12. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

crypto-adaptation of made in Germany: For those of you that are a bit longer in the German crypto-scene around, the two companies no blank sheets. Both the Solaris Bank and the stock exchange of Stuttgart show since a Long time interest in the emerging technology.

Just today, BTC reported ECHO about the launch of the Bitwala-crypto account. As a Banking Partner, the Berlin-based Start-up cooperates with – how could it be otherwise – the Solaris Bank.

shoulder to shoulder like-minded

Now, therefore, the cooperation with the Stuttgart stock exchange. Together, the two institutes to develop a crypto-trading space, to go in the first half of 2019 to the Start. In addition, the Solaris Bank is providing for the group Stuttgart stock exchange in the crypto-trade needed Banking Services. This is from a press release by the 12. In December, the BTC-ECHO.

“that supports The Blockchain Factory, the Solaris Bank to lift the trading with crypto-currencies and Token to a new Level and to set standards in terms of transparency and reliability,”

Alexander Höptner, CEO of Börse Stuttgart GmbH says.

the two companies “share equally the claim to shape the future of the financial industry”. The goal is the Vision of a financial world in a progressive shape, in the crypto – and Fiat currencies can co-exist, says Roland Folz, CEO of the Solaris Bank.

trade with BTC and ETH

Once the project goes to the Start, investors can act first established crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Stuttgart stock exchange would like to expand the Service to a start-up phase, but on ICO Investments. Furthermore, the trade is suitable place for both private and institutional investors.

With a trading volume of around 81 billion euros in all asset classes in the year 2017, the Stuttgart stock exchange is the tenth in Europe. Claim of the trading venue is to make crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin in Germany “to the masses”, such as BTC-ECHO reported in may 2018.