the In January, called the children’s charity of the United Nations from a competition, the humanitarian-oriented Blockchain Start-ups to funding through UNICEF were able to apply. Now has the organization for a period of six Start-ups.

11. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

About 100 applications from 50 different countries were submitted to the children’s charity, the judges were so spoilt for choice. The six Start-ups from the field of transparency education in the health sector, creation of access to mobile phones, as well as the improvement in financial inclusion from developing countries. A total of UNIFEC awards of 100,000 US dollars from its Innovation Fund, Pro rata to the six Start-ups. There is then, together with like-minded people, because of the Innovation Fund promotes already twenty Start-ups from the technology sector, according to a press release.

“The Blockchain technology is still in an early stage, and it gives a lot of experiments and failures. So, we need to determine a lot to learn, where the use of the Blockchain technology is a good idea,“

said Chris Fabian, chief consultant of UNICEF Innovation. And further:

“This is exactly the Phase of the UNICEF innovation Fund has invested: When our funding, and our focus can contribute to vulnerable groups of the population to a technology grows to be the fairest and most equitable way, and Matures.”


the Following six Blockchain-companies have made the race for the funds:

Atix Labs (Argentina): Atix Labs developed a Funding platform for small-to-medium-sized enterprises. By using the platform, investors can follow the transparent, where the volume of their investment is gone.Onesmart (Mexico): the Mexican Start-ups, One Smart is to provide for a transparent allocation of public funds for social projects for children. Thus, the company wants to prevent corruption.Prescrypto (Mexico): Prescrypto comes from the health sector. The company wants to improve the supply situation with digital recipes in developing countries. Prescrypto ill drop the files also on a Blockchain.Statwig (India): Statwig application for the Blockchain is working on a Supply Chain, the supply chains of vaccines can be improved.Utopixar (Tunisia): The Tunisian Start-up is working on a Blockchain-Tool with the help of social associations and groups to better organize. A part of the product also provides for the development of an application that is designed to simplify complex decision-making processes.W3 Engineers (Bangladesh): W3 Engineers to help with its Blockchain application Refugees to form a network. The platform is supposed to work, therefore also offline and without the aid of SIM-cards.

in addition to the purely financial benefits, the young entrepreneurs will have access to technical support for the development of their products.