the A rap song uses, in denouncing the political and social conditions in Thailand, is being called millions of times. Thus, the government can’t censor the Video, uploaded by activists in the decentralized IPFS network and the Link anonymously in the ZCoin-Blockchain inserted. Thus, it is impossible to remove the Video.

By Roman Maas
13. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

In the Song “Rap Against Dictatorship” is about the violence of the military government in Thailand, the poverty and the Hunger of the people, and many other ills. Ten different rappers occur to some of them, only masked. The Thai police has already warned that the music video could break the law and threatens the artists and their families. Several Stakeholders are to be loaded to be hearings.

Thai Rap against censorship

The on 22. October released Video collected on YouTube to date, more than 33 million clicks and other Streaming platforms available. But even if the government were to delete the Video on YouTube and to block all the provider, would find the people still have a safe access to it. In order to preserve the Anti-dictatorship-Rap in front of the censorship, has saved an unknown Uploader a Link to the Video within the ZCoin-Blockchain. The video file itself is stored in the Inter-Planetary File system (IPFS).


watch This Video on YouTube. the Zerocoin and IPFS: Anonymous and decentralized

In the case of ZCoin (XZC) is a Privacy Coin, a crypto currency that places value on the privacy of its Users. The corresponding Zerocoin Protocol makes it possible to store transaction information in the Blockchain anonymous. The founder and chief developer of ZCoin, Poramin Insom, is also a citizen of Thailand and said on the matter:

“We don’t know who has added to the IPFS-Link to the transaction, but the Link is secured by the Blockchain and can’t be moved or deleted. By the Zerocoin Protocol, the ZCoin-Blockchain will keep the Link private. So you can’t identify the Uploader.“

IPFS is a decentralized network. There, uploaded files, as in the case of the Blockchain cryptographic Hashes, and are similar to a P2P network and distributed to multiple parties. The IPFS-Link to the video file to decrypt, you have to be part of the ZCoin network. He’s hiding in the Block number 111089.

This method may not offer a lot of ease of use. However, the case makes it clear, what is with decentralized technologies. People living under repressive regimes to get with the Blockchain in a way, freely and without fear of repression, to Express and to disseminate appropriate messages securely and anonymously. As the Thai authorities want to on the censorship cancellation of the Blockchain to respond, is not yet known.