The EOS-Mainnet has on 15. July set up with a 1275 transactions per second-a new record. Now voices are raised that there is an attack on the ETH network.

Since the age of 15. July decorates a new record to the EOS Network Monitor: 1.275 transactions per second (TPS) form the previous maximum value of the “decentralized” operating system, which Mainnet went in the first week of June to the Start. Currently, the level is again between zero and 3 TPS, apart from a few outliers, the scratched on the 500-TPS-brand. The 24-hour interval, in which the record was made, recorded a total of 500,000 transactions –which is on average around 5.8 TPS. In the Ethereum Space is now a debate about whether the 1.275-TPS-second of an orchestrated action of the EOS team. A dApp developer suspects a connection between the EOS-Sprint, and since the age of 15. July virulent constipation of the ETH network, the transaction cost to almost 0.8 US Dollar catapulted high. On Twitter, the PowH3d Designer Justo echauffierte, it was “really funny, its competition with money from Crowdfunding, to outdo, to prove that it has the better product”.

Similar was already done prior to the Launch of the Mainnet in June:

“said I, and many other high-profile developers of Ethereum applications that EOS in all probability would, try to view the gas prices of the Ethereum network attack, in order to validate the Start of your platform. Every day until the Start of the EOS-a platform, on 6. June, the gas prices increased as a result of Airdrop-Token”,

said Justo to and not to put:

“If you think it was EOS who has two million dollars a day to Ethereum attack and also has EOS Token?”

Vitalik Buterin estimates damage at $ 15 million

Justos allegations are to be treated with caution. The project PoWH3D is a self-proclaimed Ponzi scheme, including a private “Shill Kit”, that just screams “Achtung, Satire!”. The Same applies for the new project FOMO3D that advertises with the Slogan “Your personal Exit Scam”.

The evidence that the Spam has a malicious intent on the part of EOS, is relatively thin. An analysis of the block in which the 1.275 TPS were reached, shows that Almost all transactions were made by an Account called “block-tweet”.

The speculation of whether the attack was a stress test or a malicious Spam. Suffering is the ETH network. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin has estimated the damage at $ 15 million. The principle of the free market economy, forbid it to him, too upset, nevertheless, he was taken aback by the action, which for him was a Spam attack.

EDIT: tonight (16./17. July) was achieved with a 1.341 a new TPS record. Re-block tweet was “” for the mass transactions responsible.