the Bitcoin SV win is the only Stable Coin in the Top 100 with rates. The new Hard Fork was able to temporarily push Bitcoin to Cash from the throne. This Flippening is final?

Dr. Philipp Giese
On 7. December 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin SV defying the bear market. With a day by a good 19 percent, the Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork, all the other crypto sets currencies in the shadows.

“In the shadows” Bitcoin SV, especially its origin: During the Bitcoin to Cash exchange rate had to lose since the end of November, approximately 50 percent of the settled Bitcoin SV to 100 US dollars – and rising.

this Is the end of Roger Verse, the Vision of Bitcoin? This Flippening final and Bitcoin SV will make possibly even Bitcoin itself competition?

What can we learn from the past,

The crypto market is not a stone ball, but often you can learn a lot from the past. History does not repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes. For emotional, spring reading Hard Forks, there were earlier Precedents, Bitcoin, Cash, and Ethereum Classic. It is interesting to note that there were in the early phase of this two new crypto-currencies similar developments.

Bitcoin, Cash, in the meantime, even a candidate for the second place in the Top 10, was able to develop in September 2017 complete opposite to BTC:

During the mother of all crypto-rate currencies had to a loss of about 20 percent to cope with a multiplication of the Bitcoin eighth-Cash-rates. At that time there were also rumors of a possible Flippening. The Hash Rate should migrate to Bitcoin, Cash and Bitcoin as a into the bottomless the case of Hash ends in death Rate. The story however was different.

looked a bit further into the past, we meet Ethereum Classic. Ethereum Classic is a Hard Fork, which was formed in the course of the DAO-Exploits. Here, too, the Ethereum-Classic-price in the short term, the opposite direction of the Ethereum-course behavior:

Here again the same Pattern: Ethereum collapsed dramatically, losing almost half of the market price, while Ethereum Classic doubled its almost. Ethereum Classic, the time on place 5 of the market capitalization, not disappeared completely into oblivion, is currently in 13th place and fell back on the former all-time high.

What is the Bitcoin-SV-makes the Situation particularly

The current Situation is new, of course: Bitcoin SV is not just the Hard Fork a crypto-currency, but split off itself from a spin-off in a dramatic bear market. The above Charts and the further development of Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum Classic show is still very good that it is still a bit early to speak of a sustainable Flippening.

Which of the two visions of the bear market as the definitive winner remains to be seen. All the ideological opinions of the brand, “BCH vs Bitcoin-SV” put on the backburner, for those who had prior to the Hard Fork Bitcoin to Cash on your own Wallet, or at least hold on to that “thanks” to Bitcoin SV, a part of the losses was compensated.