the The Dash Foundation has on 11. February Version 0.13 released. Thus, changes in the Features Instant Send, Private Send, in the System of Governance and as a new function, the Special Transactions. With the Upgrade, two steps up to Version 1.0: Dash Evolution the absence of the Privacy Coin.

By Phillip Horch
12. February 2019BTC$3.614,77 -0.94%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Dash is mainly for anonymous transactions and the ability to send them quickly. With the release of Version 0.13, the company of the Version 1.0 and closer., Dash Evolution, a step closer.

Instant Send

If this function is enabled, the user within less than two seconds, 25 confirmations. This Feature is with the current Upgrade is no longer optional, but installed directly. In addition, it is for users free of charge for all transactions, which have a total of four or less Inputs, so 90 percent of the traffic to the Foundation.


The Option “Private Send”, it allows Dashern to send anonymous transactions. If you activate the function, the System deletes all personal traces of the verse amounts of money ended. This function is intended to be the Upgrade faster and cheaper.

Governance System

the owner of master nodes to get two new access key to distribute specific tasks. The first of which allows delegates, the payment for the respective Nodes to collect, without you having to give information to the Private Keys. The second Key is allowed to further delegate that Votes on behalf of the owner.

Special Transactions

The new Special Transactions go beyond the possibility of pure financial transactions. Because with the Upgrade it is for users possible to register with a permanent user name on the Blockchain. The Special Transactions then transfer them to the Dash Blockchain.

the Manager of Dash, Robert Wiecko, compared to BTC-ECHO:

Dash Evolution means for the users simplicity of all – currencies quick and cost-efficient transactions without the circumstances of the current Crypto. Our new payment platform, as well as the DashPay-Wallet will change the experience for buyers and sellers, by competing with PayPal, or Venmo. This is just for South American countries such as Venezuela interesting, since the cost is under a penny. This opens up for countries where every penny counts, new ways.

Outlook on Dash Evolution

the current Version is still an Upgrade, before it comes to Evolution and to contain two new functions. The first of these is ChainLocks and to offer a new possibility of 51% attacks. The second is the Long Living Masternode quorum (LLMQ), to improve the scaling of the Blockchain.

Who wants to see the summary Video of the Upgrades by Amanda B. Johnson on English, to explain:

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Dash Releases Evolution’s Foundation in the Largest Upgrade Ever

watch This Video on YouTube.