the IOTA: in Order to make the sometimes complicated technical infrastructure of the IOTA Controlled Agent more tangible, the Foundation to illustrate it with a chat program. Chat.ixi aims to bring the users the technology for the Internet of things closer.

By Phillip Horch
4. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

While a parent prepares, probably, the concept of the “Internet of things” is already a headache, IOTA project, therefore, does not make things necessarily easier. With your Tangle the digital-to provide the technological infrastructure for the “Internet of Things”, is a large project that will bring all sides of the complexity. The grandparents-headache-round package, the project around Dominik Schiener, also, the IOTA-Controlled Agent. So this is a bit more tangible, there’s the chat program Chat.ixi.

Chat.ixi: Chattend tangeln or tangelnd chat?

The new IOTA-Chat describes the Team in its blog post as a “tangible proof-of-concept”, which aims to give the Iota Controlled Agent (Ict) is a face. Ict is to a TestNet of the Tangles, the Blockchain-Equivalent IOTAs, i.e. the technological framework underlying the project. (Already dropped out? Here, there is more to the Tangle).

Furthermore, it was stated that Ict to a constant, data a secure Protocol, for which no access permission. In short: You can just chat away, while the data are invariably secured. All the talk in Digital, without having to to to rules.

This is especially interesting for those who suffer from censorship and still want to be able to communicate//. In all, that’s the way it is in the blog post, can decide free to decide whether Ict is intended to store the data, or directly delete it.

Why All this?

Lukas Tassanyi, author of the blog post, points out in his entry, once again, that Chat.ixi a test network for the Tangle is. In the near future, the Team could provide, ultimately, an infrastructure for the Internet of things. This should (and must withdraw), especially from the conventional Internet. It continues:

“A standard Protocol for the Internet of things, has always been the Vision of IOTA. Most of what is currently colloquially known as the IoT is referred to, there is, however, convenient in a Cloud infrastructure within a regular Internet architecture. In the last few years we have started to develop the “real” IoT at the edge of the network (also known as fog [dt: fog]), where there is no sufficient technological resources. IOTA does not bear this new border bill, but wants to actively shape the security and immutability as the basis of the criteria. Instead of waiting to the fact that the network grows and you upgrade after that, aiming for the IOTA Foundation the establishment of its own IoT-a microcosm, with Ict as the fundamental building block.“

Ict should therefore in the future, a basis for use cases such as Car Sharing or Bike Sharing. In times in which the idea of possession in the sense of a sharing change, they need a more active technical infrastructure.

IXI: Extension IOTA Interface

IXI, in turn, can be thought of as a layer that lays on Ict Interface for users-ultimately visible. In the Form of chat program Chat.ixi, for example, or in other application cases. This IXI is aimed at programmers who want only to program applications for the Tangle. For you, it is not necessary to understand the Tangle itself, for you, it is sufficient to create applications with IXI.

About the Tangle with the Private Key and Public Key chat

now, about the new application send ixi messages, get both parties each have a Private Key and a Public Key. Similar to Bitcoin, these are the key to Power over the own data. The opportunities to chat with each other, and portray themselves as almost limitless: there are a Total of 8.7 x 1011⁵ different Channel, each of which corresponds to a IOTA-address, with which the module communicates.

For the future, the initiators plan to, among other things, the Integration of other programming languages, to ensure, ultimately, for more interoperability.

Whether the grandparents-headaches are ultimately more tolerable, remains to be seen.