Ripple came recently with a large XRP sales to the criticism. But XRPs little brother Stellar casts currently very many XLM-tokens on the market. Specifically, the Stellar Development Foundation would like to pay with Keybase over the next 20 months, two billion lumen of the Keybase users via Airdrop.

Dr. Philipp Giese
11. September 2019BTC$10.019,10 -1.97%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

At first glance, reminds Keybase on Chat platforms like Slack or Telegram. The platform allows also the Saving of documents. In addition, Keybase advertises with a high level of encryption of Chats, and files stored as well as a high affinity to Cryptocurrencies. Accordingly, Keybase has built a Stellar Wallet.

For some months now, this Stellar Integration is around 300,000 users. Not only within the App so lumen can be sent. Also to recipients beyond the Keybase network can be dispatched with knowledge of the phone number. Since Keybase offers also many possibilities for Bot development by the Stellar Integration of automated Payment solutions.

to motivate them on a Monthly basis 100 million XLM for active Keybase-user

Such uses and to increase certainly the number of users – is the goal of the above-mentioned Air Drops. This is to be paid over the next two years on a monthly basis 100.000.000 lumen to active Keybase users. Over the next 20 months, a total of two billion lumen to be concluded. The current XLM-rate of around US $ 120 million equivalent to for currently 300,000 users a pretty penny.

“Active users” are not just those who have registered for an Account. The Airdrop only those can participate, which operate an Account on Keybase, Github or Hacker News, which is older than a day. Evidence for the Link of a Keybase account with the corresponding networks have to provide to the public. In the case of Twitter, this looks as follows:

Verifying myself: I am keybase_nutzerxyz on FYc7XzW4lRqaisdfa0eqHwgNUtwGSnTj_k8 /

In the case of the proof of Github to use the Text is even bigger. Of course, this connection to the world is beyond Keybase is also an advertisement for the platform, and Vice versa for Stellar.

Possible influence on the XML course

Some of the Stellar enthusiasts hope to gain by this Airdrop for Keybase users increase in a long-term adaptation and, thus, a course. Necessary to have the crypto currency, which had to cope with since June at a Rate of 50 percent. However, the XRP-sales of Ripple are a warning sign. These are made for the losses of the third largest crypto-currency is responsible.

In the case of Stellar add to this that the planned Air Drop of almost two per cent of the Total Supply and ten percent of the current circulating Supply. Even when the Air Drop happens gradually, can reduce the monthly 100 million lumen of the Stellar rates dramatically. The well-known Bitcoin Researcher Nic Carter expressed such concerns in a Twitter Thread. A key statement is the following:

The most Important thing is the people with Airdrops do is to ignore a) you or b) you immediately. My bet is that this will have a negative price effect.

supporters say, however, on the other hand, it is less about short-term increase in value. The Airdrop is to pave a long-term adaptation on the way. If this bill rises, this could lead of course to a price increase.

This “if” is, however, also a large. If the user does not sell your tokens as Nic feared Carter, the same, if you use these the same and if this leads to a greater adaptation of Keybase, can occur in such a scenario. Unlike in the Asian market, the payment, within a Chat, however, is in the West-the App arrived barely in of the broad mass of Keybase or crypto-currencies, not to mention. A large value increase due to the Airdrop alone, you should not expect so really. However, perhaps programmers are developing based on Keybase an interesting, Stellar use App.


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