On getmonero.com malicious software is circulating. According to the Monero Core team, is evidenced by the official Monero (XMR) Wallet with Malware. Users should not recently take downloaded Monero Wallets guileless in operation – it is the loss of deposited Coins have been threatened.

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According to the content of the Posts on the Monero Reddit channel XMR-users run the risk of the Download of the official Monero Wallet malicious software to capture. The Blog Post by the Monero Core Team on Tuesday, the 19. November, was published, warning of a compromised Wallet Software. Accordingly, the Installation of Wallets can have for the Linux operating system, the loss of all stored Coins to the result.

At present, knowledge of the Command Line Interface (CLI) Wallets, such as taxes, user by command-command, are, however, only affected.

Security Warning: CLI binaries available on getmonero.org may have been compromised at some point during the last 24 hours. from Monero

On Reddit had pointed out to u/binaryFate to the fact that the Hash of the binary data of the relevant CLI Wallet is in accordance with the Monero designated Hash match. According to GitHub, the Hash for the 64-Bit Linux Wallet would be as follows:


Instead, GitHub is calculated-users act nikitasius following Hash for said Wallet:

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users are instructed to hash the binary data of recently downloaded Monero Software and with the official hashes match. Resulting contradictions are in all probability to malicious software. This Scott Anecito, his character is a Software developer and expert on cyber security on GitHub confirmed.

I can confirm that the malicious binary file Coins steals. About 9 hours after I had run the binary file, emptied a single transaction, the entire Wallet. I have downloaded the Code yesterday around 18 o’clock,

it is called by Anecitos.

comes As just the compromised Linux Software in the download area on the official Website, is currently unclear.

a Hash is the figure of a large amount of data to a smaller target quantity. Data that will be hashed with the same function, the result is always the same Hash. The input data will not change, however minimal, so the hashed target volume changed significantly. This way you can determine whether the data integrity has been preserved.

Malware Mining: The smouldering danger

In terms of Malware, the Privacy Coin is Monero, in the meantime, an inglorious history. Finally, messages of so-called Malware for a long time miners in the round. This is malicious software, which brings the infected computer, the computing power for the Monero Mining to be applied.

brought awareness about the Botnet Smominru. It is a network of malicious programs to have infected up to 500,000 computers. In accordance with the contents of a report by the IT security firm Carbon Black alone Smominru to have XMR in the value of approximately US $ 3.3 million gemint. BTC-ECHO reported.


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