the Chinese Ethereum competitor for the EOS is the rally that is currently a veritable course. With a daily increase of about 20 per cent of the EOS could not rate among the Top 10 crypto-currencies by market capitalization, the strongest gains. The Community seeks, however, to the reasons for the Micro-Bull-Run. A Telegram message of the to do the heads a bit?

By Christopher clover
19. February 2019BTC$3.966,43 3.88%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

crypto-investors can feast your eyes currently on the course pages of green Numbers. Bitcoin as Altcoins post since the weekend strong price growth. Among the largest ten Cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation, EOS was able to Shine. The EOS-rate recorded a week plus of almost 30 percent and even greater growth than the competition Ethereum. With a market capitalisation of around 3.2 billion US dollars, the “decentralised system” is currently number four in the crypto table.

The Community is wondering what could be behind the Micro-Bull-Run. Often the notices concerned about the cooperation with large industrial enterprises or investors for short-term FOMO-seizures in the investors. A look at the Homepage of the EOS-developer of Block.One fails to give such notice, miss. However, Block announced.One on 24. January, the Release of EOSIO 1.6.0, the latest Version of the EOS Protocol.

The Update to increase the transaction speed by up to 35 percent of the promises – at least in the internal Tests of the Block.One. Previously, the highest (of Block lag.One) value measured on the public EOS-Blockchain at 3.996 transactions per second (TPS). However, this number is to be used with caution, because it is so far a rare outlier. Also, if EOS is currently knee-deep in the green Numbers, from the current 70 to 90 TPS far from such regions. Good things take time

Paradoxically, has CEO Brendan Blumer is only at 16. February, is trying to rein in the expectations of the Community. In the Telegram group EOS_V2 Blumer asked the EOS Community for your patience:

While we continue to grow, I’m going to promote as a CEO, not a short-term Hype, which is exclusively focused on the compliance of non-sustainable expectations. In addition, I do not support it, to shoot raw products for purely commercial reasons, out of the door.

Also, notes Blumer in the message that “money solves at once all the Problem” and the structure of personnel staff and company culture, “time and patience” needed. Against the rich Plus the EOS-rate Blumer will, however, have no objection, presumably, little.

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