A pharmacy chain from Caracas opens for crypto-currencies. Also, in addition, the acceptance of Bitcoin & co. is rising in Venezuela, The citizens of the inflation-wracked state to discover in the crypto-currencies present an alternative store of Value. This increase in Confidence does not apply, however, for the state of crypto currency Petro.

By Anton Livshits
28. August 2019 BTC$10.199,86 , and 0.61% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The increasing drop in value of the Venezuelan Bolívar is driving the crypto-adaptation in the South American state. Also the pharmacy chain Faramarket will now accept payments using the digital currency Dash. For this purpose, it relies on XpayCash, a payment system of the Latin American Bitcoin exchange, Panda,.

From the announcement of a Dash indicates that a test run in several Faramarket stores on December 26. August started. Until the end of the year, all 22 branches of the Caracas-based pharmacy chain should be connected to the payment system. Dash also promised various additional services, such as training, to facilitate the customers and employees of Faramarket dealing with XpayCash. During the first two months of the test Dash will be run in addition, employees directly in the store.

Ryan Taylor, CEO of the Dash Core Group, described the cooperation with Faramarket as a valuable asset for the Dash Ecosystem. He continued:

We expect that our partnership with Panda is going to be in Colombia and Faramarket in Venezuela, a major step in the direction of an affluent economy in which not only the Venezuelans in Caracas directly in the shops with Dash can pay, but also their Relatives in Colombia and elsewhere will be able to buy drugs from abroad and to solve health problems for your Relatives and loved ones.

Beyond Dash: Venezuela is increasingly relying on Bitcoin & co.

Faramarket, however, is the only Venezuelan company, the currencies Recently, Crypto as a payment medium is accepted. The Department store Traki want to deal with the Inflation through the adoption of digital means of payment. Consequently, customers can pay with Bitcoin & co.

Also on the adaptation in the retail sector, in particular, Bitcoin is in Venezuela is growing in popularity. Citizens from political crises and economic sanctions-wracked country has to offer in the crypto-currency Nr 1. increasingly, an alternative store of Value.

Significant here is that the Venezuelans Bitcoin and not about the of President Maduro initiated in crypto currency Petro-give preference to. Maduro’s government crypto-currency called, among other things, to life, to US to undermine sanctions. It is to be coupled according to the government, to Oil. Nevertheless, the Petro is so far only moderate popularity, which is in part the result of a lack of trust in the government in Caracas.

Consequently, the on 27. August announced the Start of Patria Remesa, an exchange platform for the petrochemical, only a little at the lack of acceptance of change. What Venezuela needs is more reputable and credible crypto-initiatives.


Bitcoin in the fight against Inflation: Venezuelan Department store chain Traki want BTC to accept Bitcoin trading in Venezuela on all-time high – US-Libra – and Bitcoin-Tweets come mostly from the USA #pharmacy#Dash#Venezuela