The Privacy Coin Zcash has announced a solution for the scalability. With a Sharding Protocol, including the new Blockchain, the world should be able to pay in the future.

Max Halder
On the 25. June 2019BTC$11.402,00 4.54%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

On the way to a global currency for billions of people in the crypto-currency community in the course of the last few years revolved around a theme: the number of transactions in a given time interval. This has naturalized the concept of scaling.

Want to meet crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin your claim, you need to process tens of thousands of transactions per second. The most promising solution in the case of Bitcoin, the Lightning Network. In the case of Litecoin and Bitcoin equally the SegWit Protocol was preceded by the Lightning Network in the scaling process. With a Sharding Protocol, the Anonymous Coin Zcash wants to bring a solution on the way.

money for 10 billion people

As the Tech-news platform Forklog reported, has revealed the brains behind the Electric Coin Company (ECC), Nathan Wilcox, plans for a new Protocol for Zcash. The ECC is the driving force behind the 23rd ranked crypto-currency, at the also, Edward Snowden is interested. Wilcox wants to make “Zcash by 2050 to 10 billion people safe.” This ambitious target shows another Time that Wilcox has remained his Ideal of a anonymous, barrier-free and viable Payment option true. to achieve

A new Blockchain

the goal of Thousands of transactions per second, holds Daira Hopwood, developer at the ECC, a totally new Blockchain is inevitable. On the current Blockchain are Coins to be transferred to the new, so that there would be no losses. By the Sharding Protocol, the Team wants to improve in addition, the anonymization. Currently, the rate is under two percent.

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