The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has modified the declaration of assets and income that he presented to Congress at the beginning of the legislature to include among his income for the last year another 18,000 euros that he receives from Vox, specifically what he receives as president of the parliamentary group in the Lower House.

This new declaration replaces the one presented in mid-August, before the constitution of the Cortes for this XV Legislature. In that statement, collected by Europa Press, he indicated that, in addition to his salary as a deputy, in the last year he had received a total of 37,357.8 euros from the party, a figure lower than the first figure he declared to reach Congress in 2019. when he deposited 55,148 euros.

According to what the newspaper ‘El País’ published this week, that August statement was missing the amount that the party pays to the president of the parliamentary group thanks to the subsidies granted by the Chamber. And now Abascal has proceeded to update his income figure to include those 18,000 euros.

Apart from this change, what Abascal declared remains the same as in August, as Europa Press has verified. He reports that he has a mortgage loan worth 368,000 euros for the purchase of a house that he acquired in July 2020 and of which a total of 341,300 euros still remains to be repaid.

Likewise, the Vox leader has indicated to the Chamber that he has a checking account with just over 29,000 euros (in 2019 he said he had 13,558 euros), as well as a Jeep Commander SUV and a BMW motorcycle, the same vehicles as then.

In addition to the declaration of assets, before acquiring their seat, deputies must also fill out a declaration of activities and another declaration of economic interests. In the latter, those elected must record the activities they carried out in the five years prior to obtaining the seat and “that may condition their political activity or have provided them with economic income”, the donations or gifts received during that time as well as the foundations or associations to which you have contributed.