The acting government has expressed its “solidarity” with those affected by the floods in recent days and has announced that it will declare areas seriously affected by a Civil Protection emergency the areas that have had the “most dramatic consequences of this DANA”, by time that has thanked the work of professionals from different fields who work in its management.

This was stated by the Acting Minister Spokesperson for the Government, Isabel Rodríguez, during the press conference after the Council of Ministers, who expressed on behalf of the Executive the accompaniment of all the people who have suffered the consequences of the DANA and “especially “To those who have lost their lives, to their relatives, to the three people who died in the Toledo towns of Camarena, Bargas and Casarrubios del Monte as a result of these rains and the storms that have occurred. She has also remembered the missing persons and those who continue to be wanted.

Rodríguez has linked the effects of the forest fires and DANAS to the evidence of the consequences of climate change “which some deny but which is here.”

In this context, he has expressed the “recognition” of the acting Government to all public servants, especially the State security forces and bodies, local police, Civil Protection, emergency teams, of whom he has stressed that “they have once again given the best of themselves” to face and alleviate the effects of this Dana that has reached an important part of the country.

Lastly, he thanked the citizens in a “special” way for their collaboration in “very, very complicated” circumstances and that they have once again respected the indications of the authorities to improve the reaction to these inclemencies.

Regarding the State’s response, it has said that in addition to approving the declaration of an area seriously affected by emergencies, the Sánchez government has approved important flood management plans because “climate change is here” and it is expressed with hot summers , with great droughts, but also with extreme situations of floods.

Finally, he also pointed out that there is the tool of plans to reduce the risk of flooding in the coming years, which have a public budget of more than 2,000 million euros and which are currently being implemented.